Interface ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory
This is the interface for all classes that can create a ILcdGXYLayer for representing a ILcdModel on a ILcdGXYView.
  • Method Details

    • createGXYLayer

      ILcdGXYLayer createGXYLayer(ILcdModel aModel, ALcdWMSLayer aWMSLayer, String aStyleID, TLcdWMSRequestContext aContext)
      This method shall create a ILcdGXYLayer representing a ILcdModel on a ILcdGXYView.

      Note that the supplied ALcdWMSLayer can contain child layer information, but this should be disregarded: this method will be called subsequently for all child layers.

      aModel - the model to be wrapped into a ILcdGXYLayer.
      aWMSLayer - the Web Map Server layer for which this is done.
      aStyleID - the id of the style to be used. The value may be null.
      aContext - the request context associated with this operation. The value may be null.
      a ILcdGXYLayer representing a ILcdModel on a ILcdGXYView, or null if no layer can be created.