Interface ILcdWMSOnlineResourceResolver

public interface ILcdWMSOnlineResourceResolver
Provider for online resources (typically URLs) that are used in some standardized responses defined by the WMS specification, like a GetCapabilities response or a Service Exception Report response.
  • Field Details


      static final int CAPABILITIES_111_DTD
      Identifier for the capabilities DTD defined for WMS 1.1.1.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int CAPABILITIES_130_XML_SCHEMA
      Identifier for the capabilities XML Schema defined for WMS 1.3.0.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int SERVICE_EXCEPTION_111_DTD
      Identifier for the service exception DTD defined for WMS 1.1.1.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int SERVICE_EXCEPTION_130_XML_SCHEMA
      Identifier for the service exception XML Schema defined for WMS 1.3.0.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int DESCRIBE_LAYER_DTD
      Identifier for the default DescribeLayer response DTD.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      Identifier for the OnlineResource element defined in the service metadata section of the capabilities.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      Identifier for the MetadataURL element defined for a layer in the capabilities.

      An unlimited amount of online resources may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int CAPABILITIES_LAYER_DATA_URL
      Identifier for the DataURL element defined for a layer in the capabilities.

      An unlimited amount of online resources may be returned.

      See Also:

      Identifier for the FeatureListURL element defined for a layer in the capabilities.

      An unlimited amount of online resources may be returned.

      See Also:

      Identifier for the LegendURL element defined for a layer in the capabilities.

      An unlimited amount of online resources may be returned.

      See Also:

      Identifier for the StylesheetURL element defined for a layer in the capabilities.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      Identifier for the StyleURL element defined for a layer in the capabilities.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int CAPABILITIES_REQUEST_BASE_URL
      Identifier for the OnlineResource element used in the request section of the capabilities. This element defines the base URL of all requests (GetMap GET, GetMap POST, GetFeatureInfo GET, ...).

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:

      static final int SLD_CAPABILITIES_110_XML_SCHEMA
      Identifier for the capabilities XML Schema defined for WMS SLD capabilities 1.1.0.

      Maximum 1 online resource may be returned.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • resolveOnlineResource

      TLcdOWSOnlineResource[] resolveOnlineResource(int aType, TLcdOWSOnlineResource[] aOnlineResources, ALcdWMSLayer aSourceLayer, ALcdWMSLayerStyle aSourceLayerStyle, TLcdWMSRequestContext aWMSRequestContext)
      Returns the online resource(s) corresponding to the supplied type.

      Implementations should comply to the following rules:

      • If no online resources are available, null must be returned in all cases.
      • If there are one or more online resources available:
        • The amount of online resources that may be returned depends on the type (see documentation of each type).
        • If the supplied online resources array is not null, indicating that a static configuration of the online resources is already availabe, implementations should return an online resource array of equal length. If a specific online resource is not available, null must be used for the corresponding element in the returned array.
      aType - The type of online resource that is to be resolved. These types are the static int values defined in this interface.
      aOnlineResources - The online resources to be resolved, or null if no online resource is defined yet for the given type. For example, if the online resource type is CAPABILITIES_LAYER_METADATA_URL, it contains the online resources that were defined in the capabilities for layer aSourceLayer (see ALcdWMSLayer#getMetadataURL(int). For the DTD and XML Schema online resources, no static configuration is possible, so the online resources array is null in that case.
      aSourceLayer - The WMS layer that references the online resource, or that contains the layer style that references the online resource, or null if not applicable.
      aSourceLayerStyle - The WMS layer style that references the online resource, or null if not applicable.
      aWMSRequestContext - A container for the original request and other related request parameters.
      the online resource(s) corresponding to the supplied type.