Class TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper


public class TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper extends Object
Represents a named layer that has to be requested from an OGC Web Map Service.

When you have decoded a WMS model through TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder, the ALcdWMSProxy object inside the model is used to configure a list of WMS layers and corresponding styles to be requested. To register a WMS layer in this list, a TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper has to be created and supplied to the method ALcdWMSProxy.addStyledNamedLayer(TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper). The ALcdWMSProxy object uses this information to generate the LAYERS and STYLES parameters in GetMap or GetFeatureInfo requests ([WMS 1.1.1], pages 32-34).

This class holds a reference to the named WMS layer that needs to retrieved, represented by a ALcdWMSNamedLayer, and optionally the named WMS layer style that to be used for that layer, represented by a ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle.

Additionally, the visibility and ability to query the WMS layer in the resulting view can be configured through setVisible(boolean) and setQueryable(boolean).

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper

      public TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper(ALcdWMSNamedLayer aNamedLayer)
      Constructs a TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper for a ALcdWMSNamedLayer with the default style.
      aNamedLayer - the named layer.
    • TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper

      public TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper(ALcdWMSNamedLayer aNamedLayer, ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle aNamedLayerStyle)
      Constructs a TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper for a ALcdWMSNamedLayer with a given style.
      aNamedLayer - the named layer.
      aNamedLayerStyle - the named layer style.
  • Method Details

    • getNamedLayer

      public ALcdWMSNamedLayer getNamedLayer()
      Returns the named layer of this TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper.
      the named layer of this TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper.
    • getNamedLayerStyle

      public ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle getNamedLayerStyle()
      Returns the named layer style of this TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper.
      the named layer style of this TLcdWMSStyledNamedLayerWrapper.
      See Also:
    • setNamedLayerStyle

      public void setNamedLayerStyle(ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle aNamedLayerStyle)
      Sets the new named layer style to use for the corresponding named layer.
      aNamedLayerStyle - the new namedLayerStyle property value.
      See Also:
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
      Returns if this layer is in a visible state. By default, true is returned.
      if this layer is in a visible state.
      See Also:
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean aVisible)
      Sets the visibility of this layer.
      aVisible - the new visibility property value.
      See Also:
    • isQueryable

      public boolean isQueryable()

      Returns if this layer is in a queryable state.

      By default, true is returned.

      if this layer is in a queryable state.
      See Also:
    • setQueryable

      public void setQueryable(boolean aQueryable)

      Sets if this layer should be queryable or not. This flag allows to make WMS layers non-queryable. If this layer is queryable (server-side), but this flag is set to false (client-side), ALcdWMSProxy#createFeatureInfoInputStream will not include this layer in the GetFeatureInfo request.

      aQueryable - true to make the layer queryable, false otherwise.
      See Also: