Class ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle


public abstract class ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle extends Object
A style object for a named layer. It is uniquely identified by a name and has a human readable title and an abstract.

This class corresponds to the WMS Style concept from [WMS 1.1.1], pages 24-31.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle

      public ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle()
  • Method Details

    • getStyleName

      public abstract String getStyleName()
      Returns the name of this named layer style. The name is a unique identifier for the named layer style.
      the name of this named layer style.
    • getStyleTitle

      public abstract String getStyleTitle()
      Returns the title of this named layer style. It is a human readable string representation for use in a menu.
      the title of this named layer style.
    • getStyleAbstract

      public abstract String getStyleAbstract()
      Returns an abstract of this named layer style. It provides a narrative description of what this layer style represents. As this is optional null may be returned.
      an abstract of this named layer style.
    • getLegendURLCount

      public int getLegendURLCount()
      Returns the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing LegendURLs.

      By default, 0 is returned.

      the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing LegendURLs.
    • getLegendURL

      public TLcdOGCWMSURL getLegendURL(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a LegendURL at the given index.

      By default, no LegendURLs are available and an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.

      aIndex - the index of the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a LegendURL.
      the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a LegendURL at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index value is invalid.
    • getStyleSheetURL

      public TLcdOGCWMSURL getStyleSheetURL()
      Returns the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a StyleSheetURL.

      By default, no StyleSheetURL is available and null is returned.

      the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a StyleSheetURL.
    • getStyleURL

      public TLcdOGCWMSURL getStyleURL()
      Returns the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a StyleURL.

      By default, no StyleURL is available and null is returned.

      the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a StyleURL.