Class ALcdWMSNamedLayer


public abstract class ALcdWMSNamedLayer extends Object
A named layer is a layer being published by a Web Map Server (WMS). It has a name which uniquely identifies the layer and which is to be used when requesting the WMS. The name returned may be null if this ALcdWMSNamedLayer cannot be requested immediately. The human readable name is the title. The named layer may have child named layers.

This class corresponds to the WMS Layer concept from [WMS 1.1.1], pages 24-31.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdWMSNamedLayer

      public ALcdWMSNamedLayer()
  • Method Details

    • getNamedLayerTitle

      public abstract String getNamedLayerTitle()
      Returns the title of this ALcdWMSNamedLayer. It is a human readable string for presentation in a menu.
      the title of this ALcdWMSNamedLayer.
    • getNamedLayerName

      public abstract String getNamedLayerName()
      Returns the UID. Its value may be null if it is not possible to request this layer as such from the WMS.
      the UID as string.
    • getNamedLayerAbstract

      public abstract String getNamedLayerAbstract()
      Returns the abstract for this named layer. Abstract is a narrative description of the map layer.
      the abstract for this named layer.
    • getChildWMSNamedLayerCount

      public abstract int getChildWMSNamedLayerCount()
      Returns the number of children of this named layer.
      the number of children of this named layer.
    • getChildWMSNamedLayer

      public abstract ALcdWMSNamedLayer getChildWMSNamedLayer(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the child named layer at a given index.
      aIndex - the index of the child named layer to return.
      the child named layer at a given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the given index outside the array index bounds.
    • getWGS84LonLatBounds

      public abstract ILcdBounds getWGS84LonLatBounds()
      Returns the bounds of this named layer. The bounds is specified in WGS 84 bounds.
      the ILcdBounds within the WGS 84 reference.
    • getIdentifierValue

      public abstract String getIdentifierValue(String aAuthorityName)
      Returns the identifier value for a specific authority (name).
      aAuthorityName - the authority name of the identifier.
      the identifier value for a specific authority (name). May be null.
    • isQueryable

      public abstract boolean isQueryable()
      Returns true if this layer can be queried.
      true if this layer can be queried.
    • isOpaque

      public Boolean isOpaque()
      Returns whether the layer represents an area-filling coverage. If this property is absent or false, then maps made from this layer will generally have significant no-data areas (e.g. vector data).

      By default, null is returned.

      Boolean.TRUE if the layer represents map data that is mostly or completely opaque.
    • getMinScaleDenominator

      public abstract double getMinScaleDenominator()
      Returns the minimum scale denominator of this layer. The minimum and maximum scale denominator values define the scale range for which a layer is appropriate.
      the minimum scale denominator of this layer.
      See Also:
    • getMaxScaleDenominator

      public abstract double getMaxScaleDenominator()
      Returns the maximum scale denominator of this layer. The minimum and maximum scale denominator values define the scale range for which a layer is appropriate.
      the maximum scale denominator of this layer.
      See Also:
    • getLocalNamedLayerStyleCount

      public abstract int getLocalNamedLayerStyleCount()
      Returns the number of new styles defined by this layer.
      the number of new styles defined by this layer.
    • getLocalNamedLayerStyle

      public abstract ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle getLocalNamedLayerStyle(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the local named layer style at an index.
      aIndex - the index of the style.
      the local named layer style at an index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid.
    • getNamedLayerStyleCount

      public abstract int getNamedLayerStyleCount()
      Returns the number of named layer styles published for this layer. This includes the named layer styles defined by its ancestors.
      the number of named layer styles published for this layer.
    • getNamedLayerStyle

      public abstract ALcdWMSNamedLayerStyle getNamedLayerStyle(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the named layer style at the specified index.
      aIndex - the index of the named layer style.
      the named layer style at the specified index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid.
    • getDimensionCount

      public int getDimensionCount()
      Returns the number of dimensional parameters associated with this layer.

      By default, 0 is returned.

      the number of dimensional parameters associated with this layer.
    • getDimension

      public ALcdOGCWMSDimension getDimension(int aIndex)
      Returns the dimensional parameter definition at the given index.

      By default, no dimensional parameters are available and an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.

      aIndex - The index of the dimensional parameter to be retrieved.
      the dimensional parameter definition at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if invalid index.
    • getMetadataURLCount

      public int getMetadataURLCount()
      Returns the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing MetadataURLs.

      By default, 0 is returned.

      the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing MetadataURLs.
    • getMetadataURL

      public TLcdOGCWMSURL getMetadataURL(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a MetadataURL at the given index.

      By default, no MetadataURLs are available and an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.

      aIndex - the index of the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a MetadataURL.
      the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a MetadataURL at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index value is invalid.
    • getDataURLCount

      public int getDataURLCount()
      Returns the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing DataURLs.

      By default, 0 is returned.

      the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing DataURLs.
    • getDataURL

      public TLcdOGCWMSURL getDataURL(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a DataURL at the given index.

      By default, no DataURLs are available and an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.

      aIndex - the index of the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a DataURL.
      the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a DataURL at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index value is invalid.
    • getFeatureListURLCount

      public int getFeatureListURLCount()
      Returns the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing FeatureListURLs.

      By default, 0 is returned.

      the number of TLcdOGCWMSURL objects representing FeatureListURLs.
    • getFeatureListURL

      public TLcdOGCWMSURL getFeatureListURL(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a FeatureListURL at the given index.

      By default, no FeatureListURLs are available and an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.

      aIndex - the index of the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a FeatureListURL.
      the TLcdOGCWMSURL representing a FeatureListURL at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index value is invalid.
    • getParentNamedLayer

      public ALcdWMSNamedLayer getParentNamedLayer()
      Returns the parent named layer of this layer, or null if there is no parent layer.

      By default, null is returned.

      the parent named layer of this layer.
    • getLocalSupportedCRSCount

      public abstract int getLocalSupportedCRSCount()
      Returns the number of new supported coordinate reference systems (CRS) for this layer.
      the number of new supported coordinate reference systems (CRS) for this layer.
    • getLocalSupportedCRS

      public abstract String getLocalSupportedCRS(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the new supported coordinate reference system (CRS) at the specified index.
      aIndex - the index of the new CRS.
      the new supported coordinate reference system (CRS) at the specified index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid.
    • getSupportedCRSCount

      public abstract int getSupportedCRSCount()
      Returns the number of supported coordinate reference systems (CRS) for this layer.
      the number of supported coordinate reference systems (CRS) for this layer.
    • getSupportedCRS

      public abstract String getSupportedCRS(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the supported coordinate reference system (CRS) at the specified index.
      aIndex - the index of the CRS.
      the supported coordinate reference system (CRS) at the specified index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid.
    • isSupportedCRS

      public boolean isSupportedCRS(String aCRS)
      Returns whether the coordinate reference system (CRS) is supported. There are the coordinate reference systems that are advertised by the Web Map Server (WMS) for this layer. The response of this method must take the CRSes defined in parent layers into account.
      aCRS - the CRS to check for if it is included.
      whether the CRS is supported.
      See Also:
    • getCascadeCount

      public abstract int getCascadeCount()
      Returns the number of times this layer has been retransmitted by a Cascading Web Map Server.
      the number of times this layer has been retransmitted by a Cascading Web Map Server.
    • getKeywordCount

      public abstract int getKeywordCount()
      Returns the number of keywords for this layer.
      the number of keywords for this layer.
    • getKeyword

      public abstract String getKeyword(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the keyword at a given index.
      aIndex - the index of the keyword.
      the keyword at a given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid.
    • isNoSubsets

      public boolean isNoSubsets()
      Returns the value of the 'noSubsets' parameter of this layer. If 'noSubsets' is set, the server is not able to make a map of a geographic area other than this layer's bounding box.
      The value of the 'noSubsets' parameter. Defaults to false.
    • getFixedWidth

      public int getFixedWidth()
      Returns the fixed width of this layer. If this value is different from 0, the server can only produce maps with the given width for this layer.
      The fixed width of this layer if it is set, 0 otherwise.
    • getFixedHeight

      public int getFixedHeight()
      Returns the fixed height of this layer. If this value is different from 0, the server can only produce maps with the given height for this layer.
      The fixed height of this layer if it is set, 0 otherwise.