Class TLspArcByCenterEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLspArcByCenterEditor extends ALspEditor
Enables visual editing of ILcd2DEditableCircularArcByCenterPoint objects in an ILspView.


The arc by center editor defines the following edit handles for an arc object:
  • Start and end point handles: allows the user to edit the start and end point of the arc. The user can change the position of these points by dragging the handles. These handles generate MOVE operations, with a HANDLE_IDENTIFIER property, with START_POINT or END_POINT as value.
  • Center point handle: allows the user to translate the center of the arc. The user can change the position of the center point by dragging the handle. This handle generates MOVE operations, with a HANDLE_IDENTIFIER property with CENTER as value.
  • Object translation handle: allows the user to translate the arc object. This handle generates MOVE operations, without any additional properties.

The following figure illustrates all the handles:

The handles of an arc-by-center-point


Based on the TLspEditOperation, generated by an edit handle (see description of handles above), this editor performs different edit operations on the associated arc object. The images below illustrate the effect of the different handles. In each image the gray color represents the previous state of the object and the red color represents the edited object:
  • Start and end point handle

  • Center point handle:

    Moving the center point handle.
  • Object translation handle: the editor translates the entire arc. Note that the behaviour for this handle is identical to the behaviour of the center point handle, with the exception of how the handle is activated


The creation process of an arc-by-center object consists of the following steps:
  1. the first step sets the center point of the arc-by-center-point
  2. the second step sets the start point of the arc-by-center-point. This step also determines the radius of the arc.
  3. the third step sets the end point of the arc-by-center-point

The figures below illustrate the creation process. Relevant changes that are new in each step are marked in red:

Setting the center point
Setting the start point
Setting the end point
Setting the center point Setting the start point Setting the end point