Interface ILcd2DEditableCircularArcByCenterPoint

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcd2DEditableShape, ILcdBounded, ILcdCircularArc, ILcdCircularArcByCenterPoint, ILcdCloneable, ILcdCurve, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdGML31ArcByCenterPoint, TLcdGML31CircleByCenterPoint, TLcdGML32ArcByCenterPoint, TLcdGML32CircleByCenterPoint, TLcdLonLatCircularArcByCenterPoint, TLcdXYCircularArcByCenterPoint

public interface ILcd2DEditableCircularArcByCenterPoint extends ILcdCircularArcByCenterPoint, ILcd2DEditableShape
A circular arc-by-centerpoint whose defining parameters can be edited.
  • Method Details

    • setRadius

      void setRadius(double aRadius)
      Sets the circle's radius.
      aRadius - the new radius.
    • setStartAngle

      void setStartAngle(double aStartAngle)
      Sets the start angle of the arc (in degrees). The angle is measured from 3 o'clock position, positive counter-clockwise.
      aStartAngle - the new start angle.
    • setArcAngle

      void setArcAngle(double aArcAngle)
      Sets the angle over which the arc extends (in degrees). The angle is positive counter-clockwise.
      aArcAngle - the new arc angle.