Class TLspLookAtTrackingCameraConstraint2D<T extends TLspViewXYZWorldTransformation2D>


public class TLspLookAtTrackingCameraConstraint2D<T extends TLspViewXYZWorldTransformation2D> extends ALspCameraConstraint<T>

Constraint for TLspViewXYZWorldTransformation2D that forces it to follow a target object. If the object is oriented, there is the option to follow the orientation as well.

By default, this constraint doesn't track any objects. To do this setTrackingPointProvider should be called first.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLspLookAtTrackingCameraConstraint2D

      public TLspLookAtTrackingCameraConstraint2D(boolean aFollowOrientation)
      Creates a look-at camera constraint for a given set of objects (whose motion is to be tracked).
      aFollowOrientation - indicates whether the rotation of the view should take the orientation of the tracked objects into account.
  • Method Details

    • constrain

      public void constrain(T aSource, T aTargetSFCT)
      Description copied from class: ALspCameraConstraint

      Constrains the given view world transformation. This method can be implemented by modifying aTargetSFCT.

      When the original view world transformation is modified, the changes are first applied on a copy of the transformation (aTargetSFCT). This copy is passed to the constraints, which can also modify it. After all constraints are evaluated, all changes are applied on the original transformation.

      aSource is the original transformation. It is given as context information.

      Specified by:
      constrain in class ALspCameraConstraint<T extends TLspViewXYZWorldTransformation2D>
      aSource - the original transformation, on which all changes will be applied after all constraints are evaluated. It is given as context information.
      aTargetSFCT - the view transformation copy which contains the modifications. Constraints should be applied on this transformation.
    • getTrackingPointProvider

      public ALspTrackingPointProvider getTrackingPointProvider()
      Returns the used tracking point provider, or null if no tracking point provider is used.
      the used tracking point provider, or null if no tracking point provider is used.
      See Also:
    • setTrackingPointProvider

      public void setTrackingPointProvider(ALspTrackingPointProvider aTrackingPointProvider)
      Sets the tracking point provider.
      aTrackingPointProvider - a tracking point provider.
      See Also: