Class ALspTrackingPointProvider

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALspTrackingPointProvider extends Object

Base class for tracking a series of points for a camera. It can be used by following tracking camera classes:

This class can be extended by implementing getTargetPoint. For tracking cameras that take orientation into account, the getTargetYaw, getTargetPitch and getTargetRoll methods can be implemented.

When the target point (or rotations) change, a ILcdChangeListener can be used to notify this to registered listeners.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALspTrackingPointProvider

      public ALspTrackingPointProvider()
  • Method Details

    • addTrackingPointChangeListener

      public void addTrackingPointChangeListener(ILcdChangeListener aListener)
      Adds a tracking point change listener.
      aListener - a tracking point change listener.
      See Also:
    • removeTrackingPointChangeListener

      public void removeTrackingPointChangeListener(ILcdChangeListener aListener)
      Removes the given tracking point change listener.
      aListener - a tracking point change listener.
      See Also:
    • fireTrackingPointChange

      protected void fireTrackingPointChange()
      This method can be used to notify the registered listeners of tracking point (or orientation) changes.
      See Also:
    • getView

      public abstract ILspView getView()
      Returns the view in which tracking is done.
      the view in which tracking is done.
    • getTargetPoint

      public abstract ILcdPoint getTargetPoint()
      Selects a target point that is to be followed by the camera, in world coordinates. By implementing this method, users of this class can easily customize the selected target point.
      the selected target point, in world coordinates, or null if none was found.
    • getTargetYaw

      public abstract double getTargetYaw()
      Provides the world rotation (yaw) angle (in degrees) to be used for orienting the camera. If no orientation can be calculated, Double.NaN should be returned. This method can be used for 2D as well as 3D cameras.
      the world rotation (yaw) angle (in degrees) to be used for orienting the camera or Double.NaN if no orientation could be calculated.
    • getTargetPitch

      public abstract double getTargetPitch()
      Provides the pitch angle (in degrees) to be used for orienting the camera, or Double.Nan if no pitch could be calculated. This method should only be used for 3D cameras.
      the pitch angle (in degrees) to be used for orienting the camera.
    • getTargetRoll

      public abstract double getTargetRoll()
      Provides the roll angle (in degrees) to be used for orienting the camera, or Double.NaN if no roll could be calculated. This method should only be used for 3D camera.
      the roll angle (in degrees) to be used for orienting the camera.