Interface ILcdGXYChainableController

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdAWTEventListener, ILcdGXYController, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdGXYChainableController, ALcdGXYConfinedTouchChainableController, ALcdGXYTouchChainableController, TLcdAdvancedMapRulerController, TLcdGXYContinuousPanController, TLcdGXYEditController2, TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController, TLcdGXYNavigateController, TLcdGXYNewController2, TLcdGXYPanController, TLcdGXYSelectController2, TLcdGXYTouchNavigateController, TLcdGXYTouchNewController, TLcdGXYTouchSelectEditController, TLcdGXYZoomWheelController, TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController, TLcdMapTouchRulerController, TLcdTerrainRulerController

public interface ILcdGXYChainableController extends ILcdGXYController, ILcdAWTEventListener

This controller is designed to be an element in a controller chain, passing along events and method calls.

A chainable controller keeps a reference to the next controller in the chain. The controller is free to decide what methods and/or events should be delegated to the rest of the chain.

  • Method Details

    • getNextGXYController

      ILcdGXYChainableController getNextGXYController()
      Returns a reference to the controller that is located after this one in a chain, or null if this controller is the last element of the chain.
      a reference to the next controller.
      See Also:
    • setNextGXYController

      void setNextGXYController(ILcdGXYChainableController aNext)
      This method sets the next controller in the chain for this controller. You can set null if you want the chain to end. This method does not start or terminate any interaction. If you need to replace a controller while it's being used you are responsible for properly terminating and starting it yourself.
      aNext - the reference to the controller that will be the next element in the chain
      See Also:
    • appendGXYController

      void appendGXYController(ILcdGXYChainableController aEnd)
      This method will append the passed controller to the end of the chain. The controller will be the stored as the next controller in the last element of the current chain.
      aEnd - the controller to be appended to the end of the chain.