Interface ILcdGXYEditorProvider<T extends ILcdGXYEditor>

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAIXM51GXYPainterEditorProvider, TLcdAPP6AGXYEditorProvider, TLcdDatabaseGXYPainterProvider, TLcdGXYAISIconProviderPainter, TLcdGXYAISPointListPainter, TLcdGXYArcBandPainter, TLcdGXYArcPainter, TLcdGXYAreaShapeListPainter, TLcdGXYBoundsPainter, TLcdGXYBufferPainter, TLcdGXYCircleBy3PointsPainter, TLcdGXYCirclePainter, TLcdGXYCircularArcPainter, TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter, TLcdGXYCompositeRingPainter, TLcdGXYEditableLabelPainter, TLcdGXYEditorProvider, TLcdGXYEllipsePainter, TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter, TLcdGXYIconPainter, TLcdGXYLonLatHeightBufferPainter, TLcdGXYOffsetIconPainter, TLcdGXYPointListPainter, TLcdGXYPointShapeListPainter, TLcdGXYPolylineShapeListPainter, TLcdGXYRoundedPointListPainter, TLcdGXYRoutePainter, TLcdGXYShapeListPainter, TLcdGXYShapePainter, TLcdGXYSurfacePainter, TLcdGXYTextPainter, TLcdMagneticNorthGXYPainter, TLcdMS2525bGXYEditorProvider, TLcdNVGGXYPainterProvider, TLcdPOLPainter, TLcdSingleGXYEditorProvider, TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStylePainter, TLcdVPFPointListPainter, TLcdVPFPointPainter

public interface ILcdGXYEditorProvider<T extends ILcdGXYEditor> extends Serializable, Cloneable
Provides an ILcdGXYLayer with an ILcdGXYEditor to edit the objects in the layers model.

An ILcdGXYEditorProvider is part of an ILcdGXYLayer and is responsible to provide a suitable editor for every object that is in the layers model.

Since editors are stateful with regard to the object they are editing, their state has to be updated by the editor provider before it is returned to the layer that will use the editor to edit the object based on user interactions on the view. An implementation of the getGXYEditor(Object) getGXYEditor} method therefore should have the following structure:

 public ILcdGXYEditor getGXYEditor(Object aObject) {

   ILcdGXYEditor editor = ... // find the editor for the object
   editor.setObject( aObject );
   return editor;

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Redefines Object.clone() to make it public.
    Finds an ILcdGXYEditor that can be used to edit the object passed.
  • Method Details

    • getGXYEditor

      T getGXYEditor(Object aObject)
      Finds an ILcdGXYEditor that can be used to edit the object passed.

      The editor provider is responsible for setting the object to the editor before returning the editor. An implementation should therefore have the following structure:

       public ILcdGXYEditor getGXYEditor(Object aObject) {
         ILcdGXYEditor editor = ... // find the editor for the object
         editor.setObject( aObject );
         return editor;

      aObject - the object to find an editor for
      an editor that can be used to edit the object.
    • clone

      Object clone()
      Redefines Object.clone() to make it public.
      a clone of this editor provider.