Interface ILcdLineOfSightCoverage

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdBounded, ILcdCache, ILcdRaster
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ILcdLineOfSightCoverage extends ILcdRaster
Represents the result of line-of-sight computations. Its center represents the point from which these computations were performed. It represents the results in an arc, starting from a start angle and extending over an arc angle, and contained within a maximum radius. The view is also limited by a minimum and maximum angle in the vertical direction.

The parameters of the arc can only be read, not modified.

  • Field Details


      static final int LOS_INVISIBLE_VALUE
      The raster value that is returned for points that are always invisible.
      See Also:

      static final int LOS_UNKNOWN_VALUE
      The raster value that is returned for points whose visibility cannot be determined.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCenter

      ILcdPoint getCenter()
      Returns the center, this is the point from which the line-of-sight computations were performed. Only X- and Y-coordinates should be taken into account.
      The center, i.e. the point from which the line-of-sight computations were performed. Only X- and Y-coordinates should be taken into account.
    • getHeightAboveGround

      double getHeightAboveGround()
      Returns the height above the ground of the center.
      The height above the ground of the center.
      See Also:
    • getStartAngle

      double getStartAngle()
      Returns the start angle of the coverage. The angle is measured in degrees, starting from the 12 o'clock position, positive clockwise (i.e. compass position).
      The start angle of the coverage. The angle is measured in degrees, starting from the 12 o'clock position, positive clockwise (i.e. compass position).
    • getArcAngle

      double getArcAngle()
      Returns the angle extent of the coverage. The angle is measured in degrees and positive clockwise.
      The angle extent of the coverage. The angle is measured in degrees and positive clockwise.
    • getAngleStepsize

      double getAngleStepsize()
      Returns the angular discretization step size in degrees.
      The angular discretization step size in degrees.
    • getMaxRadius

      double getMaxRadius()
      Returns the maximum radial extent of the coverage in meter.
      The maximum radial extent of the coverage in meter.
    • getMinVerticalAngle

      double getMinVerticalAngle()
      Returns the minimum vertical angle of the coverage.
      The minimum vertical angle of the coverage.
    • getMaxVerticalAngle

      double getMaxVerticalAngle()
      Returns the maximum vertical angle of the coverage.
      The maximum vertical angle of the coverage.