Interface ILcdExtendedLineOfSightCoverage

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdBounded, ILcdCache, ILcdLineOfSightCoverage, ILcdRaster

public interface ILcdExtendedLineOfSightCoverage extends ILcdLineOfSightCoverage
Represents the input and result of a line-of-sight computation. On top of ILcdLineOfSightCoverage it contains the reference of the center point. This enables computation of line-of-sight across terrain data with different references.
  • Method Details

    • getCenterPointReference

      ILcdGeoReference getCenterPointReference()
      Returns the reference in which the center point of the line-of-sight computation is defined.
      the reference in which the center point of the line-of-sight computation is defined.
    • getRadiusStepSize

      double getRadiusStepSize()
      Returns the radial step used to sample terrain data to compute the LOS.
      the radial step used to sample terrain data to compute the LOS.