Class TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle, com.luciad.internal.symbology.common.view.canvas.ILinSymbologyStyle, ILcdAPP6AStyle, ILcdCloneable, Serializable, Cloneable

@Deprecated public class TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle extends Object implements ILcdAPP6AStyle, Serializable
This class has been deprecated in favor of TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle, which can be used to style both APP-6 and MIL-STD-2525 objects.
Default display style for APP-6A objects.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle

      public TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle(Color aColor, Color aSelectionColor, int aLineWidth, int aLineStyle, boolean aIsSymbolFrameEnabled, boolean aIsSymbolFillEnabled, boolean aIsSymbolIconEnabled, String[] aLabel, Color aLabelColor, Font aLabelFont, Color aLabelFilledColor, boolean aIsLabelFramed, boolean aIsLabelFilled, boolean aIsLabelPinned, boolean aIsLabelAnchored, int aLabelPosition, int aSize)
      Constructs a new TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle object with the given settings.
      aColor - The line color for line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols.
      aSelectionColor - The selection color for the construction line of line symbols and for the offset-line and bounding box of icon symbols.
      aLineWidth - The line width to use for all line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols.
      aLineStyle - The style to use for the offset-line of an icon symbol. The options are ILcdAPP6AStyle.PLAIN, ILcdAPP6AStyle.SMALL_DASH, ILcdAPP6AStyle.LARGE_DASH and ILcdAPP6AStyle.ALTERNATE_DASH.
      aIsSymbolFrameEnabled - Whether the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
      aIsSymbolFillEnabled - Whether an icon symbol should be painted filled.
      aIsSymbolIconEnabled - Whether the internal icon in the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
      aLabel - The labels to use for labeling. These labels are only used when the particular symbols that use this style don't make use of the text modifiers as labels. This is the case for most of the line symbols.
      aLabelColor - The color to use for labels.
      aLabelFont - The font to use for labels.
      aLabelFilledColor - The fill color of the labels. This has only effect when the argument aIsLabelFilled == true.
      aIsLabelFramed - Whether the labels should be surrounded by a border.
      aIsLabelFilled - Whether the labels should be displayed in a filled rectangle.
      aIsLabelPinned - Whether the labels should be displayed with a pin to the object. This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.
      aIsLabelAnchored - Whether the labels should be displayed with a point on the object. This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.
      aLabelPosition - The position of this label from its anchor point. This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.
      aSize - The size of the symbol.
    • TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle

      @Deprecated public TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle(Color aColor, Color aSelectionColor, Color aFilledColor, int aLineWidth, int aLineStyle, boolean aIsFilled, boolean aIsOutlined, String[] aLabel, Color aLabelColor, Font aLabelFont, Color aLabelFilledColor, boolean aIsLabelFramed, boolean aIsLabelFilled, boolean aIsLabelPinned, boolean aIsLabelAnchored, int aLabelPosition, int aSize)
      Constructs a new TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle object with the given settings.
      aColor - The line color for line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols.
      aSelectionColor - The selection color for the construction line of line symbols and for the offset-line and bounding box of icon symbols.
      aFilledColor - Not used.
      aLineWidth - The line width to use for all line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols.
      aLineStyle - The style to use for the offset-line of an icon symbol. The options are ILcdAPP6AStyle.PLAIN, ILcdAPP6AStyle.SMALL_DASH, ILcdAPP6AStyle.LARGE_DASH and ILcdAPP6AStyle.ALTERNATE_DASH.
      aIsFilled - Not used.
      aIsOutlined - Whether an icon should be painted outlined. Replaced by isSymbolFillEnabled() and setSymbolFillEnabled().
      aLabel - The labels to use for labeling. These labels are only used when the particular symbols that use this style don't make use of the text modifiers as labels. This is the case for most of the line symbols.
      aLabelColor - The color to use for labels.
      aLabelFont - The font to use for labels.
      aLabelFilledColor - The fill color of the labels. This has only effect when the argument aIsLabelFilled == true.
      aIsLabelFramed - Whether the labels should be surrounded by a border.
      aIsLabelFilled - Whether the labels should be displayed in a filled rectangle.
      aIsLabelPinned - Whether the labels should be displayed with a pin to the object. This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.
      aIsLabelAnchored - Whether the labels should be displayed with a point on the object. This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.
      aLabelPosition - The position of this label from its anchor point. This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.
      aSize - The size of the symbol.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle getInstance()
      Returns a shared TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle instance.
      a shared TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle instance.
    • getNewInstance

      public static TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle getNewInstance()
      Returns a new TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle instance.
      a new TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle instance.
    • setInstance

      public static void setInstance(TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle aInstance)
      Sets the shared TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle instance to be used.
      aInstance - the shared TLcdDefaultAPP6AStyle instance to be used.
    • getTextureFilePath

      @Deprecated public String getTextureFilePath()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the path to the texture images.
      Specified by:
      getTextureFilePath in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getTextureFilePath in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the path to the texture images.
    • setTextureFilePath

      @Deprecated public void setTextureFilePath(String aFilePath)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the path to the texture images.
      Specified by:
      setTextureFilePath in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setTextureFilePath in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aFilePath - the path to the texture images.
    • getColor

      public Color getColor()
      Returns the line color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols.

      The default value is

      Specified by:
      getColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the line color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols.
    • isAffiliationColorEnabled

      public boolean isAffiliationColorEnabled()
      Returns whether the affiliation color mode is enabled. When this mode is enabled, the color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols will automatically be adapted to the affiliation of a symbol. If the affiliation is not determined, the color returned by getColor() will be used; otherwise, the affiliation color has precedence.

      The default value is false.

      Specified by:
      isAffiliationColorEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isAffiliationColorEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      True if the affiliation color mode is enabled.
    • getAffiliationColor

      public Color getAffiliationColor(int aAffiliation)
      Specified by:
      getAffiliationColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getAffiliationColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAffiliation - The affiliation for which the current color must be returned.
      The color that is currently used for the given affiliation.
    • getAffiliationColor

      public Color getAffiliationColor(ELcdAPP6Standard aStandard, String aAffiliationValue)
    • getAlternateAffiliationColor

      public Color getAlternateAffiliationColor(int aAffiliation)
      Returns the alternate color that is currently used for the given affiliation. If no alternate color was configured, this call will be equivalent as the call getAffiliationColor(aAffiliation)
      Specified by:
      getAlternateAffiliationColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getAlternateAffiliationColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAffiliation - The affiliation for which the alternate color must be returned.
      The alternate color that is currently used for the given affiliation or the affiliation color if no alternate color was configured.
    • getFillPercentage

      public double getFillPercentage()
      Returns the fill percentage used to fill the frame of icon symbols. This factor is a value in the interval [0.0, 1.0].

      By default, 1.0 is returned.

      Specified by:
      getFillPercentage in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getFillPercentage in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the fill percentage to fill the frame of icon symbols.
      See Also:
    • getAlternateFillColor

      public Color getAlternateFillColor()
      Returns the color used to fill the part of the frame that is not covered by the fill percentage.

      By default, null is returned.

      Specified by:
      getAlternateFillColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getAlternateFillColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color used to fill the part of the frame that is not covered by the fill percentage.
      See Also:
    • getFilledColor

      @Deprecated public Color getFilledColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the fill color for areas in default mode.
      Specified by:
      getFilledColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getFilledColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the fill color for areas in default mode.
    • getForcedColor

      public Color getForcedColor()
      Returns the color that currently overrides the normal colors of the icon symbol.

      The value is null, indicating that the normal colors of an icon symbol will be used.

      Specified by:
      getForcedColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getForcedColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color that currently overrides the normal colors of the icon symbol.
    • getSelectionColor

      public Color getSelectionColor()
      Returns the selection color for the construction line of line symbols and for the offset-line and bounding box of icon symbols.

      The default value is

      Specified by:
      getSelectionColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSelectionColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color for line and icon symbols in selection mode.
    • getWidth

      @Deprecated public double getWidth()
      This method is replaced by getWidth() in ILcdAPP6AShape.
      Returns the width that is used for buffer symbols, in meters. Do not use this method.
      the width that is used for buffer symbols, in meters.
    • getLineWidth

      public int getLineWidth()
      Returns the line width to use for all line symbols, off-set lines and vertical lines of icon symbols.

      The default value is 1.

      Specified by:
      getLineWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLineWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the line width to use for all line symbols, off-set lines and vertical lines of icon symbols.
    • getSymbolFrameLineWidth

      public int getSymbolFrameLineWidth()
      Returns the frame line width of the icon symbols.
      Specified by:
      getSymbolFrameLineWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSymbolFrameLineWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the frame line width of the icon symbols.
    • getLineStyle

      public int getLineStyle()
      Returns the style to use for the offset-line of an icon symbol.

      The default value is TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle.PLAIN.

      Specified by:
      getLineStyle in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLineStyle in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the style to use for the offset-line of an icon symbol.
      See Also:
    • isFilled

      @Deprecated public boolean isFilled()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns whether an area should be filled.
      Specified by:
      isFilled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isFilled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      true if an area should be filled.
    • getOutlined

      @Deprecated public boolean getOutlined()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns whether an icon symbol should be painted outlined. An outlined icon symbol has no fill and takes the color of its affiliation.
      Specified by:
      getOutlined in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getOutlined in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      whether the outline of an area should be painted.
    • getLabelColor

      public Color getLabelColor()
      Returns the color to use for labels.

      The default value is

      Specified by:
      getLabelColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLabelColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color to use for labels.
    • getLabelFont

      public Font getLabelFont()
      Returns the font to use for labels.

      The default value is null, which results in the use of an internally defined default font: the 'Dialog' font with style Font.PLAIN. The size may vary depending on the symbol's size (see isLabelFontScalingEnabled()).

      Specified by:
      getLabelFont in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLabelFont in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the font to use for labels.
      See Also:
    • isLabelFontScalingEnabled

      public boolean isLabelFontScalingEnabled()
      Returns whether the label font size of the label is automatically scaled.

      If enabled, the font size for labels will be scaled according to the size of the symbol. If disabled, the original label font size of the font configured with setLabelFont(Font) will be used.

      The default value is true.

      Specified by:
      isLabelFontScalingEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelFontScalingEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      True if the label font size of the label is automatically scaled.
      See Also:
    • getLabelFilledColor

      public Color getLabelFilledColor()
      Returns the color to use for the labels background.

      This option is only used when isLabelFilled() returns "true".

      The default value is

      Specified by:
      getLabelFilledColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLabelFilledColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color to use for the labels background.
    • isLabelWithPin

      public boolean isLabelWithPin()
      Returns whether the label should be displayed with a pin to the object.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      The default value is false.

      Specified by:
      isLabelWithPin in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelWithPin in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      true if the label should be displayed with a pin to the object.
    • isLabelWithAnchor

      public boolean isLabelWithAnchor()
      Returns whether the label should be displayed with a point on the object.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      The default value is false.

      Specified by:
      isLabelWithAnchor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelWithAnchor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      true if the label should be displayed with a point on the object.
    • isLabelWithFrame

      public boolean isLabelWithFrame()
      Returns whether the label should be displayed in a frame.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      The default value is false.

      Specified by:
      isLabelWithFrame in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelWithFrame in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      true if the label should be displayed in a frame.
    • isLabelFilled

      public boolean isLabelFilled()
      Returns whether the label should be displayed in a filled rectangle.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      The default value is false.

      Specified by:
      isLabelFilled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelFilled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      true if the label should be displayed in a filled rectangle.
    • getLabelPosition

      public int getLabelPosition()
      Returns the relative position of the label with respect to the object. This option is used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels() and for line symbols that are represented by a point list.

      The default value is TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle.EAST.

      Specified by:
      getLabelPosition in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLabelPosition in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the relative position of the label with respect to the object.
    • getShiftLabelPosition

      public int getShiftLabelPosition()
      Return the shift to apply to the label position.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      The default value is the result of (getSizeSymbol() / 2) + 10.

      Specified by:
      getShiftLabelPosition in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getShiftLabelPosition in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the shift to apply to the label position.
    • getSizeSymbol

      public int getSizeSymbol()
      Returns the size of the icon symbol that uses this style.

      The default value is 64.

      Specified by:
      getSizeSymbol in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSizeSymbol in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      The size of the icon symbol.
    • anchorPointSFCT

      public void anchorPointSFCT(Graphics aGraphics, int aMode, ILcdGXYContext aGXYContext, Point aPointSFCT, TLcdXYBounds aBounds, ILcdGXYPainter aGXYPainter) throws TLcdNoBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Correction of the anchor point of the label.
      Specified by:
      anchorPointSFCT in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      anchorPointSFCT in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aPointSFCT - the corrected anchor point of the label.
      aBounds - the bounds of the object.
    • setLineWidth

      public void setLineWidth(int aWidth)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the line width to use for all line symbols, off-set lines and vertical lines of icon symbols.
      Specified by:
      setLineWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLineWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aWidth - the new line width to use for all line symbols, off-set lines and vertical lines of icon symbols.
    • setSymbolFrameLineWidth

      public void setSymbolFrameLineWidth(int aWidth)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the frame line width of the icon symbols in pixels. The frame line width is only used when ILcdAPP6AStyle.isSymbolFrameEnabled() returns true.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolFrameLineWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSymbolFrameLineWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aWidth - the new frame line width for icon symbols.
    • setSizeSymbol

      public void setSizeSymbol(int aSize)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the size of the icon symbol that uses this style.
      Specified by:
      setSizeSymbol in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSizeSymbol in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aSize - - The size of the icon symbol.
    • setOffset

      public void setOffset(int aX, int aY)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the X and Y offset of the icon with respect to the location of the icon symbol. These values must be given in pixels.
      Specified by:
      setOffset in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setOffset in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aX - - The X offset.
      aY - - The Y offset.
    • getOffsetX

      public int getOffsetX()
      Returns the X offset of the icon with respect to the location of the icon symbol. The offset is given in pixels.

      The default value is 0.

      Specified by:
      getOffsetX in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getOffsetX in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the X offset of the icon with respect to the location of the icon symbol.
    • getOffsetY

      public int getOffsetY()
      Returns the Y offset of the icon with respect to the location of the icon symbol. The offset is given in pixels.

      The default value is 0.

      Specified by:
      getOffsetY in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getOffsetY in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the Y offset of the icon with respect to the location of the icon symbol.
    • setAnchorSymbol

      public void setAnchorSymbol(ILcdIcon aSymbol)
      Sets the icon which is displayed as an anchor icon for the icon symbol.The anchor icon is only displayed in 3D projection and it is placed above terrain. If set to null, no anchor icon will be displayed.

      The default anchor icon is a filled circle, colored with getColor(). If you override the default, the color of the anchor icon will be picked from itself instead of this style.

      Specified by:
      setAnchorSymbol in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAnchorSymbol in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aSymbol - a ILcdIcon implementation to be displayed as the anchor icon
    • getAnchorSymbol

      public ILcdIcon getAnchorSymbol()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the icon used as an anchor icon for the icon symbol.
      Specified by:
      getAnchorSymbol in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getAnchorSymbol in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the icon used as an anchor icon for the icon symbol.
    • setSelectionRectangleWidth

      public void setSelectionRectangleWidth(int aWidth)
      Sets the line width of the rectangle in pixels which is displayed when the icon symbol is selected

      The default width value is 1 pixel.

      Specified by:
      setSelectionRectangleWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSelectionRectangleWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aWidth - line width of the selection rectangle in pixels.
    • getSelectionRectangleWidth

      public int getSelectionRectangleWidth()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the line width of the rectangle in pixels which is displayed when the icon symbol is selected
      Specified by:
      getSelectionRectangleWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSelectionRectangleWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the line width of the rectangle in pixels which is displayed when the icon symbol is selected
    • setSelectionRectangleHaloColor

      public void setSelectionRectangleHaloColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the halo color for the selection rectangle of icon symbols.
      Specified by:
      setSelectionRectangleHaloColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSelectionRectangleHaloColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the selection halo color for the selection rectangle of icon symbols.
    • getSelectionRectangleHaloColor

      public Color getSelectionRectangleHaloColor()
      Returns the selection color for the halo of the selection rectangle of icon symbols.

      The default value is Color.BLUE

      Specified by:
      getSelectionRectangleHaloColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSelectionRectangleHaloColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color for halo of the selection rectangle of icon symbols.
    • setSelectionRectangleHaloWidth

      public void setSelectionRectangleHaloWidth(int aWidth)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the line width in pixels of the halo of the selection rectangle of icon symbols.
      Specified by:
      setSelectionRectangleHaloWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSelectionRectangleHaloWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aWidth - line width in pixels of the halo of the selection rectangle of icon symbols.
    • getSelectionRectangleHaloWidth

      public int getSelectionRectangleHaloWidth()

      The default width value is 0 pixels.

      Specified by:
      getSelectionRectangleHaloWidth in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSelectionRectangleHaloWidth in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the line width in pixels of the halo of the selection rectangle of icon symbols.
    • setAltitudeFormat

      public void setAltitudeFormat(Format aFormat)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle

      Sets a new Format to format altitudes in labels.

      This property is currently used to format altitude labels in the following symbols:

      • Weapon/Sensor Range Fan Circular
      • Weapon/Sensor Range Fan Sector

      The format needs to accept Double objects in its format method. All Double instances passed to this method are altitudes expressed in meters.

      Specified by:
      setAltitudeFormat in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAltitudeFormat in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aFormat - The new Format to format an altitude
      See Also:
    • getAltitudeFormat

      public Format getAltitudeFormat()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the Format to format altitudes in labels.
      Specified by:
      getAltitudeFormat in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getAltitudeFormat in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the Format to format altitudes in labels.
      See Also:
    • setDistanceFormat

      public void setDistanceFormat(Format aDistanceFormat)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle

      Sets a new Format to format distances in labels.

      This property is currently used to format distance labels in the following symbols:

      • Weapon/Sensor Range Fan Circular
      • Weapon/Sensor Range Fan Sector

      The format needs to accept Double objects in its format method. All Double instances passed to this method are distances expressed in meters.

      Specified by:
      setDistanceFormat in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setDistanceFormat in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aDistanceFormat - The new Format to format a distance
      See Also:
    • getDistanceFormat

      public Format getDistanceFormat()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the Format to format distances in labels.
      Specified by:
      getDistanceFormat in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getDistanceFormat in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the Format to format distances in labels.
      See Also:
    • setAngleFormat

      public void setAngleFormat(Format aAngleFormat)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle

      Sets a new Format to format angles in labels.

      This property is currently used to format angle labels in the following symbols:

      • Weapon/Sensor Range Fan Circular
      • Weapon/Sensor Range Fan Sector

      The format needs to accept Double objects in its format method. All Double instances passed to this method are angles expressed in degrees.

      Specified by:
      setAngleFormat in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAngleFormat in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAngleFormat - The new Format to format an angle
      See Also:
    • getAngleFormat

      public Format getAngleFormat()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the Format to format angles in labels.
      Specified by:
      getAngleFormat in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getAngleFormat in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the Format to format angles in labels.
      See Also:
    • setOffsetEditingEnabled

      public void setOffsetEditingEnabled(boolean aOffsetEditingEnabled)
      Sets if the offset of the icon symbol is editable via CTRL+Drag operation.

      The default value is true.

      Specified by:
      setOffsetEditingEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setOffsetEditingEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aOffsetEditingEnabled - the offset is editable if this is true
    • isOffsetEditingEnabled

      public boolean isOffsetEditingEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns true if the offset of the icon symbol is editable via CTRL+Drag operation.
      Specified by:
      isOffsetEditingEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isOffsetEditingEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      true if the offset of the icon symbol is editable via CTRL+Drag operation.
    • setTransparency

      @Deprecated public void setTransparency(double aTransparency)
      Do not use this method.
    • getTransparency

      @Deprecated public double getTransparency()
      Do not use this method.
    • setLineStyle

      public void setLineStyle(int aLineStyle)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the style to use for the offset-line of an icon symbol.

      Possible values are:

      • ILcdAPP6AStyle.PLAIN : plain.
      • ILcdAPP6AStyle.SMALL_DASH : small dashing pattern.
      • ILcdAPP6AStyle.LARGE_DASH : large dashing pattern.
      • ILcdAPP6AStyle.ALTERNATE_DASH : alternate (small and large) dashing pattern.
      Specified by:
      setLineStyle in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLineStyle in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLineStyle - the new style to use for the offset-line of an icon symbol.
    • setFilled

      @Deprecated public void setFilled(boolean aFilled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether an area should be filled.
      Specified by:
      setFilled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setFilled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aFilled - true when an area should be filled.
    • setOutlined

      @Deprecated public void setOutlined(boolean aOutlined)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether an icon symbol should be painted outlined. An outlined icon symbol has no fill and takes the color of its affiliation.
      Specified by:
      setOutlined in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setOutlined in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aOutlined - true to paint the outline of an area.
    • setSymbolFrameEnabled

      public void setSymbolFrameEnabled(boolean aSymbolFrameEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolFrameEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSymbolFrameEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aSymbolFrameEnabled - Whether the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
    • isSymbolFrameEnabled

      public boolean isSymbolFrameEnabled()
      Returns whether the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.

      The default value is true.

      Specified by:
      isSymbolFrameEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isSymbolFrameEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      True if the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
    • setSymbolFillEnabled

      public void setSymbolFillEnabled(boolean aSymbolFillEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether an icon symbol should be painted filled.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolFillEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSymbolFillEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aSymbolFillEnabled - Whether an icon symbol should be painted filled.
    • isSymbolFillEnabled

      public boolean isSymbolFillEnabled()
      Returns whether an icon symbol should be painted filled.

      The default value is true.

      Specified by:
      isSymbolFillEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isSymbolFillEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      True if an icon symbol should be painted filled.
    • setSymbolIconEnabled

      public void setSymbolIconEnabled(boolean aSymbolIconEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the internal icon in the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolIconEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSymbolIconEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aSymbolIconEnabled - Whether the internal icon in the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
    • isSymbolIconEnabled

      public boolean isSymbolIconEnabled()
      Returns whether the internal icon in the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.

      The default value is true.

      Specified by:
      isSymbolIconEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isSymbolIconEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      True if the internal icon in the frame of an icon symbol should be painted.
    • getForcedFrameLineStyle

      public Integer getForcedFrameLineStyle()
      Returns the style that currently overrides the normal symbol frame outline line style of the icon symbol. By default, null is returned, indicating that the line style of the icon determined by the affiliation and status are used as defined in the standard.

      Specified by:
      getForcedFrameLineStyle in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getForcedFrameLineStyle in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      an Integer representing the currently forced line style of the icon symbol frame, or null if the default line style is used.
    • setForcedFrameLineStyle

      public void setForcedFrameLineStyle(Integer aForcedFrameLineStyle)
      Sets the line style to be used for the frame of an icon symbol: this will override the default line style for the outline of the symbol frame as defined by the standard. To revert to the default behavior, null must be supplied. Possible values are:
      Specified by:
      setForcedFrameLineStyle in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setForcedFrameLineStyle in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aForcedFrameLineStyle - an Integer representing the line style to be used.
    • retrieveLabels

      public String[] retrieveLabels()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the labels to use for labeling. These labels are only used when the particular symbols that use this style don't make use of the text modifiers as labels. This is the case for most of the line symbols.
      Specified by:
      retrieveLabels in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      retrieveLabels in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the labels to use for labeling.
    • setLabels

      public void setLabels(String[] label)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the labels to use for labeling. These labels are only used when the particular symbols that use this style don't make use of the text modifiers as labels. This is the case for most of the line symbols.
      Specified by:
      setLabels in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabels in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      label - the labels to use for labeling.
    • setLabelColor

      public void setLabelColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color to use for labels.
      Specified by:
      setLabelColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the color to use for labels.
    • setLabelFont

      public void setLabelFont(Font aFont)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the font to use for labels.
      Specified by:
      setLabelFont in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelFont in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aFont - the font to use for labels.
    • setLabelFontScalingEnabled

      public void setLabelFontScalingEnabled(boolean aLabelFontScalingMode)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the font size of the label should be automatically scaled for icon symbols.

      If enabled, the font size for labels around icon symbols will be scaled according to the size of the symbol. If disabled, the original font size of the font returned by getLabelFont() will be used.

      Specified by:
      setLabelFontScalingEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelFontScalingEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabelFontScalingMode - The font size scaling mode.
    • setColor

      public void setColor(Color color)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols, off-set lines and vertical lines of icon symbols.
      Specified by:
      setColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      color - the line color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols, off-set lines and vertical lines of icon symbols.
    • setAffiliationColorEnabled

      public void setAffiliationColorEnabled(boolean aAffiliationColorEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the affiliation color mode. When this mode is enabled, the color for unframed icon symbols, line symbols and off-set lines of icon symbols will automatically be adapted to the affiliation of a symbol. If the affiliation is not determined, the color returned by getColor() will be used; otherwise, the affiliation color has precedence.
      Specified by:
      setAffiliationColorEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAffiliationColorEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAffiliationColorEnabled - The affiliation color mode.
    • setAffiliationColor

      public void setAffiliationColor(int aAffiliation, Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color for the given affiliation. These colors will be used for all framed icon symbols; for unframed icon symbols and line symbols, affiliation colors are only used when the affiliation color mode has been enabled - see isAffiliationColorEnabled().
      Specified by:
      setAffiliationColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAffiliationColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAffiliation - The affiliation for which a color is set.
      aColor - The color to be used for the given affiliation.
    • setAlternateAffiliationColor

      public void setAlternateAffiliationColor(int aAffiliation, Color aColor)
      Sets the alternate color for the given affiliation. This alternate color is in used by some tactical graphics that can be painted in multiple colors. An example of such a symbol is the APP-6(c) symbol 25140200 'Line of contact', for which each side of the line of contact can have a different color.
      Specified by:
      setAlternateAffiliationColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAlternateAffiliationColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAffiliation - The affiliation for which an alternate color is set.
      aColor - The alternate color to be used for the given affiliation.
    • setFillPercentage

      public void setFillPercentage(double aFillPercentage)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the fill percentage to fill the frame of icon symbols. This factor must be a value in the interval [0.0, 1.0], with 0.0 indicating no fill and 1.0 indicating a complete fill, starting from the bottom of the frame.

      This property is only taken into account when the symbol frame is enabled, i.e. when ILcdAPP6AStyle.isSymbolFrameEnabled() returns true.

      Specified by:
      setFillPercentage in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setFillPercentage in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aFillPercentage - the fill percentage to fill the frame of icon symbols.
      See Also:
    • setAlternateFillColor

      public void setAlternateFillColor(Color aAlternateFillColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color to fill the part of the frame that is not covered by the fill percentage. If null is supplied, the uncovered part of the frame is not filled.

      This property is only taken into account when the symbol frame is enabled, i.e. when ILcdAPP6AStyle.isSymbolFrameEnabled() returns true.

      Specified by:
      setAlternateFillColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setAlternateFillColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aAlternateFillColor - the color to fill the part of the frame that is not covered by the fill percentage.
      See Also:
    • setFilledColor

      @Deprecated public void setFilledColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the fill color for areas in default mode.
      Specified by:
      setFilledColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setFilledColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the new fill color for areas in default mode.
    • setForcedColor

      public void setForcedColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color to be used for the military symbol: this will override the normal colors for the different elements of the symbol. To revert to the normal colors of the military symbol, null must be supplied. Note that a selected symbol will always be displayed using the selection colors, even if a forced color is configured.
      Specified by:
      setForcedColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setForcedColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the color to be used for the military symbol.
    • setSelectionColor

      public void setSelectionColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the selection color for the construction line of line symbols and for the offset-line and bounding box of icon symbols.
      Specified by:
      setSelectionColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSelectionColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the selection color for the construction line of line symbols and for the offset-line and bounding box of icon symbols.
    • setLabelFilledColor

      public void setLabelFilledColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color to use for the labels background. This option is only used when isLabelFilled() returns "true".
      Specified by:
      setLabelFilledColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelFilledColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the color to use for the labels background.
    • setLabelWithPin

      public void setLabelWithPin(boolean aLabelWithPin)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the label should be displayed with a pin to the object.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      Specified by:
      setLabelWithPin in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelWithPin in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabelWithPin - whether the label should be displayed with a pin to the object.
    • setLabelWithAnchor

      public void setLabelWithAnchor(boolean aLabelWithAnchor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the label should be displayed with a point on the object.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      Specified by:
      setLabelWithAnchor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelWithAnchor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabelWithAnchor - whether the label should be displayed with a point on the object.
    • setLabelWithFrame

      public void setLabelWithFrame(boolean aLabelWithFrame)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the label should be displayed in a frame.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      Specified by:
      setLabelWithFrame in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelWithFrame in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabelWithFrame - whether the label should be displayed in a frame.
    • getLabelFrameColor

      public Color getLabelFrameColor()
      Description copied from interface: com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      Returns the color to use for the label frame.

      This option is only used when ILinMilitarySymbolStyle.isLabelWithFrame() returns true.

      A null value indicates that the ILinMilitarySymbolStyle.getLabelColor() should be used instead. This is also the default.

      Specified by:
      getLabelFrameColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color to use for the label frame or null
    • setLabelFrameColor

      public void setLabelFrameColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      Sets the color to use for the label frame.
      Specified by:
      setLabelFrameColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the color to use for the label frame or null
      See Also:
      • ILinMilitarySymbolStyle.getLabelFrameColor()
    • getLabelFramePadding

      public int getLabelFramePadding()
      Description copied from interface: com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      Returns the padding between the label text and the label frame.

      This option is only used when ILinMilitarySymbolStyle.isLabelWithFrame() returns true.

      The default value is 1.

      Specified by:
      getLabelFramePadding in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the number of pixels between the label text and label frame
    • setLabelFramePadding

      public void setLabelFramePadding(int aPadding)
      Description copied from interface: com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      Sets the padding between the label text and the label frame.
      Specified by:
      setLabelFramePadding in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aPadding - the number of pixels between the label text and label frame
      See Also:
      • ILinMilitarySymbolStyle.getLabelFramePadding()
    • setLabelFilled

      public void setLabelFilled(boolean aLabelFilled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the label should be displayed in a filled rectangle.

      This option is only used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels(). Symbols which use the text modifiers as labels don't make use of this option, because the label layout is predefined by the APP-6A standard.

      Specified by:
      setLabelFilled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelFilled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabelFilled - whether the label should be displayed in a filled rectangle.
    • setLabelPosition

      public void setLabelPosition(int aLabelPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the relative position of the label with respect to the object. This option is used for symbols that use the labels retrieveLabels() and for line symbols that are represented by a point list.
      Specified by:
      setLabelPosition in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelPosition in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabelPosition - the relative position of the label with respect to the object.
    • setLabelEnabled

      public void setLabelEnabled(String aLabel, boolean aEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether the given label should be displayed.
      Specified by:
      setLabelEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabel - A label as defined by the static members of ILcdAPP6ACoded.
      aEnabled - whether the label should be displayed.
    • isLabelEnabled

      public boolean isLabelEnabled(String aLabel)
      Returns whether the given label should be displayed. The possible labels are the APP6-A/B/C/D modifiers, defined by the static members of ILcdAPP6ACoded.

      All valid labels are enabled by default.

      Specified by:
      isLabelEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aLabel - A label as defined by the static members of ILcdAPP6ACoded.
      True if the given label should be displayed. False otherwise or for unknown labels.
    • getCornerSmoothness

      public double getCornerSmoothness()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the smoothness (or rounding) factor that is used to render corners of polygons. This factor is a value in the interval [0.0, 1.0].
      Specified by:
      getCornerSmoothness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getCornerSmoothness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the smoothness (or rounding) factor for polygon corners.
      See Also:
    • setCornerSmoothness

      public void setCornerSmoothness(double aSmoothnessFactor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the smoothness (or rounding) factor that should be used to render corners of polygons. This factor must be a value in the interval [0.0, 1.0], with 0.0 indicating no rounding and 1.0 indicating a maximum rounding, which results in a very smooth corner.

      Note that this feature is currently only available for a limited set of symbols:

      • Objective area (APP-6A: 2.X.
      • Strong point (APP-6A: 2.X.
      • Battle positions (APP-6A: 2.X.*)
      Specified by:
      setCornerSmoothness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setCornerSmoothness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aSmoothnessFactor - the smoothness (or rounding) factor for polygon corners.
    • getArrowCurvedness

      @Deprecated public double getArrowCurvedness()
      Returns the curvedness factor that is used to render aviation-related arrow symbols that consist of exactly 2 points. This factor expresses the amount of curvedness, and is a value in the interval [-1.0, 1.0]. The value 0.0 indicates a straight arrow, while the values -1.0 and 1.0 indicate maximum curvedness, each in an opposite direction perpendicular to the axis of the arrow. A positive value results in an arrow that is curved upwards, while a negative value results in an arrow that is curved downwards.

      If the symbol consists of more than 2 points, no extra curvedness between the points is added; only the corners at the axis points can be rendered curved, according to the corner smoothness factor (see getCornerSmoothness()).

      Note that this feature is only available for a limited set of symbols, namely for the aviation-related arrows in APP-6A (situated in 2.X.

      Specified by:
      getArrowCurvedness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getArrowCurvedness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the curvedness factor for aviation-related arrow symbols.
      See Also:
    • setArrowCurvedness

      @Deprecated public void setArrowCurvedness(double aBulgeFactor)
      Sets the curvedness factor for aviation-related arrow symbols that consist of exactly 2 points. This factor must be a value in the interval [-1.0, 1.0]. The value 0.0 indicates a straight arrow, while the values -1.0 and 1.0 indicate maximum curvedness, each in an opposite direction perpendicular to the axis of the arrow. A positive value results in an arrow that is curved upwards, while a negative value results in an arrow that is curved downwards.

      If the symbol consists of more than 2 points, no extra curvedness between the points is added and this factor will not be used; only the corners at the axis points can be rendered curved, according to the corner smoothness factor (see getCornerSmoothness()).

      Note that this feature is only available for a limited set of symbols, namely for the aviation-related arrows in APP-6A (situated in 2.X.

      Specified by:
      setArrowCurvedness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setArrowCurvedness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aBulgeFactor - the curvedness factor for aviation-related arrow symbols.
    • isHaloEnabled

      public boolean isHaloEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns whether a halo is enabled for symbols (both icon and line symbols).

      By default, false is returned.

      Specified by:
      isHaloEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isHaloEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      if a halo is enabled for icon and line symbols.
    • setHaloEnabled

      public void setHaloEnabled(boolean aEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether a halo should be enabled for symbols (both icon and line symbols).

      The halo color and thickness can be configured respectively through ILcdAPP6AStyle.setHaloColor(java.awt.Color) and ILcdAPP6AStyle.setHaloThickness(int).

      Specified by:
      setHaloEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setHaloEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aEnabled - whether a halo should be enabled for symbols (both icon and line symbols).
      See Also:
    • getHaloColor

      public Color getHaloColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the color that is used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isHaloEnabled() returns true).

      By default, Color.WHITE is returned.

      Specified by:
      getHaloColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getHaloColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color that is used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled.
    • setHaloColor

      public void setHaloColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color to be used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isHaloEnabled() returns true).
      Specified by:
      setHaloColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setHaloColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the color to be used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled.
    • getHaloThickness

      public int getHaloThickness()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the thickness that is used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isHaloEnabled() returns true).

      By default, 1 is returned.

      Specified by:
      getHaloThickness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getHaloThickness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the thickness that is used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled.
    • setHaloThickness

      public void setHaloThickness(int aThickness)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the thickness to be used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isHaloEnabled() returns true).
      Specified by:
      setHaloThickness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setHaloThickness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aThickness - the thickness to be used for icon and line symbol halos, if enabled.
    • isLabelHaloEnabled

      public boolean isLabelHaloEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns whether a halo is enabled for labels of icon and line symbols.

      By default, false is returned.

      Specified by:
      isLabelHaloEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isLabelHaloEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      if a halo is enabled for labels of icon and line symbols.
    • setLabelHaloEnabled

      public void setLabelHaloEnabled(boolean aEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether a halo should be enabled for labels of icon and line symbols.

      The label halo color and thickness can be configured respectively through ILcdAPP6AStyle.setLabelHaloColor(java.awt.Color) and ILcdAPP6AStyle.setLabelHaloThickness(int).

      Specified by:
      setLabelHaloEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelHaloEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aEnabled - whether a halo should be enabled for labels of icon and line symbols.
      See Also:
    • getLabelHaloColor

      public Color getLabelHaloColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the color that is used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isLabelHaloEnabled() returns true).

      By default, Color.GRAY is returned.

      Specified by:
      getLabelHaloColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLabelHaloColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the color that is used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled.
    • setLabelHaloColor

      public void setLabelHaloColor(Color aColor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the color to be used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isLabelHaloEnabled() returns true).
      Specified by:
      setLabelHaloColor in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelHaloColor in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aColor - the color to be used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled.
    • getLabelHaloThickness

      public int getLabelHaloThickness()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Returns the thickness that is used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isLabelHaloEnabled() returns true).

      By default, 1 is returned.

      Specified by:
      getLabelHaloThickness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getLabelHaloThickness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the thickness that is used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled.
    • setLabelHaloThickness

      public void setLabelHaloThickness(int aThickness)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the thickness to be used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled (i.e., if ILcdAPP6AStyle.isLabelHaloEnabled() returns true).
      Specified by:
      setLabelHaloThickness in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setLabelHaloThickness in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aThickness - the thickness to be used for the label halo of icon and line symbols, if enabled.
    • isVerticalLineEnabled

      public boolean isVerticalLineEnabled()
      Returns whether a perpendicular line from the center point of the icon symbols to the earth surface is enabled. This visualizes the projection of the icon symbols onto a terrain.

      Vertical lines are only applicable for icon symbols with an altitude value bigger than 0 in a 3D view.

      By default, this method returns true.
      Specified by:
      isVerticalLineEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isVerticalLineEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      if a perpendicular line from the center point of the icon symbols to the earth surface is enabled.
      See Also:
    • setVerticalLineEnabled

      public void setVerticalLineEnabled(boolean aEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets whether a perpendicular line from the center point of the icon symbols to the earth surface is enabled. If enabled, it visualizes the projection of the icon symbols onto a terrain.

      Vertical lines are only applicable for the icon symbols with an altitude value bigger than 0 in a 3D view.

      Specified by:
      setVerticalLineEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setVerticalLineEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aEnabled - whether a perpendicular line from the center point of the icon symbols to the earth surface is enabled.
      See Also:
    • setSpeedLeaderLengthRatio

      public void setSpeedLeaderLengthRatio(double aRatio)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the length ratio of the speed leader to the symbol size against the speed value of 1m/s.
      See ILcdAPP6AStyle.setSpeedLeaderLength(double, ILcdISO19103Measure) for a convenience setter using a speed measure.
      Specified by:
      setSpeedLeaderLengthRatio in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSpeedLeaderLengthRatio in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aRatio - the length ratio of speed leader to the symbol size against the speed value of 1m/s.
      See Also:
    • getSpeedLeaderLengthRatio

      public double getSpeedLeaderLengthRatio()
      Returns the length ratio of the speed leader to the symbol size against the speed value of 1m/s.

      Speed leaders are only applicable to APP-6C.

      The default value for the length ratio is 0.05
      Specified by:
      getSpeedLeaderLengthRatio in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getSpeedLeaderLengthRatio in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      the length ratio of the speed leader to the symbol size against the speed value of 1m/s.
      See Also:
    • setSpeedLeaderLength

      public void setSpeedLeaderLength(double aTimesSymbolSize, ILcdISO19103Measure aSpeed)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      A convenience method that changes the speed leader length ratio so that the speed leader length is equal to the symbol size times aTimesSymbolSize if the symbol has the given speed. For example, if the symbol size is 64 pixels and the method is called with aTimesSymbolSize == 3 and a speed of Mach 1, the symbol's speed leader will be 3*64=192 pixels long travelling at Mach 1, and 3*64*2=384 pixels at Mach 2.
      Specified by:
      setSpeedLeaderLength in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setSpeedLeaderLength in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aTimesSymbolSize - the length ratio of speed leader to the symbol size against the speed value of 1m/s.
      aSpeed - A speed measure which will be the reference for calculating length ratio of the speed leader.
      See Also:
    • isEngagementBarEnabled

      public boolean isEngagementBarEnabled()
      Specified by:
      isEngagementBarEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isEngagementBarEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      boolean indicating wether or not the engagement bar graphic amplifier is enabled.
      See Also:
    • setEngagementBarEnabled

      public void setEngagementBarEnabled(boolean aEngagementBarEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets wether or not the engagement bar graphic amplifier is enabled.
      Specified by:
      setEngagementBarEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setEngagementBarEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      See Also:
    • getEngagementBarStyle

      public TLcdEngagementBarStyle getEngagementBarStyle()
      Specified by:
      getEngagementBarStyle in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      getEngagementBarStyle in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      The engagement bar graphic amplifier's styling options.
      See Also:
    • setEngagementBarStyle

      public void setEngagementBarStyle(TLcdEngagementBarStyle aEngagementBarStyle)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Sets the engagement bar graphic amplifier's styling options.
      Specified by:
      setEngagementBarStyle in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setEngagementBarStyle in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      See Also:
    • isStrictSegmentationEnabled

      public boolean isStrictSegmentationEnabled()

      This property indicates whether or not strict segmentation is enabled. Strictly speaking, the standard defines that some symbols need to repeat all information for each segment of 2 consecutive anchor points. This can cause issues in realistic situations.

      For example, if you create a "Main Supply Route" that matches an actual route, in the real world. It would be constructed out of many thousands of anchor points, forming very small segments. Having to repeat the information thousands of times is not desired as labels will overlap each other and can cause performance issues when zooming out far enough where you are able to see the whole symbol.

      If this property returns false, the information of the symbol will be repeated across the symbols in segments that are larger than 2 anchor points, if the information is repeated often enough.

      Strict segmentation is disabled by default.

      Specified by:
      isStrictSegmentationEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      isStrictSegmentationEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      Specified by:
      isStrictSegmentationEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.common.view.canvas.ILinSymbologyStyle
      a boolean indicating whether or not strict segmentation is enabled
      See Also:
      • ILinSymbologyCanvas.polyline(Object, Object, boolean, boolean, ILcdPointList)
      • ILinSymbologyCanvas.polygon(Object, Object, Object, boolean, boolean, ILcdPointList)
    • setStrictSegmentationEnabled

      public void setStrictSegmentationEnabled(boolean aStrictSegmentationEnabled)

      Enabled or disabled strict segmentation. This property can be used to limit the amount of times information is repeated across a symbol. Strictly speaking, the standard defines that some symbols need to repeat all information for each segment of 2 consecutive anchor points. This can cause issues in realistic situations.

      For example, if you create a "Main Supply Route" that matches an actual route, in the real world. It would be constructed out of many thousands of anchor points, forming very small segments. Having to repeat the information thousands of times is not desired as labels will overlap each other and can cause performance issues when zooming out far enough where you are able to see the whole symbol.

      If this property is set to false the information of the symbol will be repeated across the symbols in segments that are larger than 2 anchor points, if the information is repeated often enough.

      Strict segmentation is disabled by default.

      Specified by:
      setStrictSegmentationEnabled in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      setStrictSegmentationEnabled in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aStrictSegmentationEnabled - a boolean indicating whether or not strict segmentation is enabled
    • addPropertyChangeListener

      public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aPropertyChangeListener)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Adds the given listener that is notified when a property of this style is changed.
      Specified by:
      addPropertyChangeListener in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      addPropertyChangeListener in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aPropertyChangeListener - the object to notify when a property of this style is changed.
    • removePropertyChangeListener

      public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aPropertyChangeListener)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Removes the given listener from the list so that it is no longer notified when a property of this style is changed.
      Specified by:
      removePropertyChangeListener in interface ILcdAPP6AStyle
      Specified by:
      removePropertyChangeListener in interface com.luciad.internal.symbology.app6a_ms2525b.view.gxy.ILinMilitarySymbolStyle
      aPropertyChangeListener - the listener that should no longer be notified when a property of this style is changed.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aO)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdCloneable

      Makes Object.clone() public.

      When for example extending from java.lang.Object, it can be implemented like this:
       public Object clone() {
         try {
           return super.clone();
         } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException e ) {
           // Cannot happen: extends from Object and implements Cloneable (see also Object.clone)
           throw new RuntimeException( e );
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdCloneable
      clone in class Object
      See Also: