Interface ILcdGXYContext

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdGXYContextWrapper, TLcdGXYContext

public interface ILcdGXYContext extends Serializable
ILcdGXYContext defines the context to be used by an ILcdGXYPainter (respectively an ILcdGXYEditor) for drawing (editing) on an ILcdGXYView an Object belonging to an ILcdModel.

It contains information such as:

  • the ILcdGXYView where the drawing or editing occurs,
  • the ILcdGXYLayer and therefor the ILcdModel the Object belongs to,
  • the Graphics where to perform the drawing,
  • the ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation to transform model coordinates into world coordinates and vice versa.
  • the ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation to transform world coordinates into view coordinates and vice versa.
  • the current location of a number of input points (mouse, touch etc...) and their translations (e.g. mouse drag) when this information is required.
  • snapping information when available
  • an ILcdGXYPen for supporting drawing and editing on a Graphics.

ILcdGXYContext Structure.

Note: As of 10.0 implementing or wrapping ILcdGXYContext from scratch is strongly discouraged. Please extend from TLcdGXYContext for your own implementations. If you want to wrap an ILcdGXYContext, extend ALcdGXYContextWrapper.

See Also: