Class TLcdPerspectiveProjection

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdProjection, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdPerspectiveProjection extends ALcdProjection
The perspective projection is an azimuthal projection that maps a 3D scene to a 2D plane as viewed through a camera viewfinder. The projection parameters are determined by the location of the perspective center (camera), the principal point and an "up" direction.

Although functionally similar to TLcdGeneralPerspective, this implementation uses different input parameters and does not impose restrictions on the 3D position of the camera. Also, the origin of the projection plane always coincides with the principal point.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdPerspectiveProjection

      public TLcdPerspectiveProjection()
      Constructs a perspective projection with the perspective center at lon/lat/height coordinates (0,0,100000) and the principal point at lon/lat coordinates (0,0,0).
    • TLcdPerspectiveProjection

      public TLcdPerspectiveProjection(ILcdPoint aPerspectiveCenter, ILcdPoint aPrincipalPoint)
      Constructs a perspective projection, given the geocentric locations of the perspective center and the principal point. The 2D image is oriented such that the line from the perspective center to the geocentric origin intersects the projection plane's Y axis on the negative half.
      aPerspectiveCenter - the perspective center in geocentric coordinates
      aPrincipalPoint - the principal point in geocentric coordinates
    • TLcdPerspectiveProjection

      public TLcdPerspectiveProjection(ILcdPoint aPerspectiveCenter, ILcdPoint aPrincipalPoint, double aRollAngle)
      Constructs a perspective projection, given the geocentric locations of the perspective center and the principal point. The image is rotated clockwise in the projection plane, relative to the plane determined by the camera vector and the optical axis.
      aPerspectiveCenter - the perspective center in geocentric coordinates
      aPrincipalPoint - the principal point in geocentric coordinates
      aRollAngle - the image rotation angle
    • TLcdPerspectiveProjection

      public TLcdPerspectiveProjection(ILcdPoint aPerspectiveCenter, ILcdPoint aPrincipalPoint, ILcdPoint aUpVector)
      Constructs a perspective projection, given the geocentric locations of the perspective center, the principal point and the "up" direction of the camera.
      aPerspectiveCenter - the perspective center in geocentric coordinates
      aPrincipalPoint - the principal point in geocentric coordinates
      aUpVector - the "up" vector in geocentric coordinates
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      String representation of this ILcdProjection.
      Specified by:
      toString in interface ILcdProjection
      toString in class Object
      String representation of this ILcdProjection.
    • lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT

      public void lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT(ILcdPoint aLLHP, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint aXYPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from class: ALcdProjection
      Default implementation calls lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT in interface ILcdProjection
      lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT in class ALcdProjection
      aLLHP - point to be projected.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the point is defined.
      aXYPointSFCT - projected point as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the ILcdPoint aLLHP is not within the valid area of the projection (visible area), then this exception is thrown.
    • world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT

      public void world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint aLLPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from class: ALcdProjection
      Default implementation calls world2lonlatOnSphereSFCT with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT in interface ILcdProjection
      world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT in class ALcdProjection
      aXYPoint - projected point for which the corresponding geodetic point is sought.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the geodetic coordinate is defined.
      aLLPointSFCT - resulting geodetic coordinate as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the ILcdPoint aXYPoint is not within the valid area of the projection (visible area), then this exception is thrown.
    • world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT

      public void world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditableBounds aWorldBoundsSFCT)
      Description copied from class: ALcdProjection
      Default implementation calls world2lonlatOnSphereSFCT with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT in interface ILcdProjection
      world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT in class ALcdProjection
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid considered.
      aWorldBoundsSFCT - the bounds of the projection in world coordinates as side effect.
    • inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid

      public boolean inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid)
      Description copied from class: ALcdProjection
      Default implementation calls inWorldBoundsOnSphere with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid in interface ILcdProjection
      inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid in class ALcdProjection
      aXYPoint - point to be checked upon.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the geodetic coordinate is defined.
      true if valid, false if invalid.
      See Also:
    • boundaryLons

      public double[][] boundaryLons(double aLatitude)
      Description copied from class: ALcdProjection
      Default implementation. To be redefined for specific projections.
      Specified by:
      boundaryLons in interface ILcdProjection
      boundaryLons in class ALcdProjection
      aLatitude - latitude in decimal degrees and -90.0 <= aLat<= 90.0.
      the array of pairs of longitudes[0] and longitudes[1], where the closed interval longitudes[0] -> longitudes[1] is in visible area and -180.0 <= lon[i] <= 180.0.
    • boundaryLats

      public double[][] boundaryLats(double aLongitude)
      Description copied from class: ALcdProjection
      Default implementation. To be redefined for specific projections.
      Specified by:
      boundaryLats in interface ILcdProjection
      boundaryLats in class ALcdProjection
      aLongitude - longitude in decimal degrees -180.0 <= lon <= 180.0 .
      the array of pairs of latitudes lats[0] and lats[1], where the closed interval lats[0] -> lats[1] is in visible area and -90.0 <= lats[i] <= 90.0 .
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Makes a deep clone of this ILcdProjection.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdProjection
      clone in class ALcdProjection
      deep clone of this ILcdProjection.
    • loadProperties

      public void loadProperties(String aPrefix, Properties aProperties)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      The properties of an ILcdProjection determine the projection parameters that determine the plane, cylinder or cone on which the projection is done. The properties of an ILcdProjection are of course dependent on the projection. A common property for all ILcdprojection objects is the origin of the projection. Other, more specific, properties are standard parallels, azimuthal direction, perspective distance, ... .
      aPrefix - prefix for property names.
      aProperties - Properties object containing the serialized projection.
    • writePropertiesSFCT

      public void writePropertiesSFCT(String aPrefix, Properties aPropertiesSFCT)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      The properties of an ILcdProjection determine the projection parameters that determine the plane, cylinder or cone on which the projection is done. The properties of an ILcdProjection are of course dependent on the projection. A common property for all ILcdprojection objects is the origin of the projection. Other, more specific, properties are standard parallels, azimuthal direction, perspective distance, ... .
      aPrefix - prefix for property names.
      aPropertiesSFCT - Properties object in which to store the serialized projection properties as side effect.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Checks if this ILcdProjection equals some other Object.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface ILcdProjection
      equals in class Object
      aObject - Object to compare with.
      true if the Object is an instance of the same ILcdProjection class and having the same projection properties, false otherwise.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • isAllInBounds

      public boolean isAllInBounds()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      If all geodetic coordinates (l ,j ) are projected (visible) by an ILcdProjection and all (x,y ) coordinates are bounded this is true. All ILcdProjection objects have bounded (x,y ) coordinates because the projection is cut off if necessary.
      true if all LonLatPoints are within the bounds of the projection, false otherwise.
    • isContinuous

      public boolean isContinuous()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      An ILcdProjection is continuous if there are no interruptions in the world coordinates. Most projections are continuous.
      true if the projection is continuous, false otherwise.
    • getOrigin

      public ILcdPoint getOrigin()
      Returns the geodetic coordinates of the camera, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid.
      the lon/lat/height coordinates of the camera.
    • getPerspectiveCenter

      public ILcdPoint getPerspectiveCenter()
      Returns the geocentric location of the camera.
      the geocentric location of the camera.
    • setPerspectiveCenter

      public void setPerspectiveCenter(ILcdPoint aPerspectiveCenter)
      Sets the geocentric location of the camera.
      aPerspectiveCenter - the geocentric location of the camera.
    • getPrincipalPoint

      public ILcdPoint getPrincipalPoint()
      Returns the 3D geocentric point the camera is looking at, the same as the 2D origin of the projection plane.
      the 3D coordinates of the origin of the projection plane.
    • setPrincipalPoint

      public void setPrincipalPoint(ILcdPoint aPrincipalPoint)
      Sets the 3D geocentric point the camera is looking at, the same as the 2D origin of the projection plane.
      aPrincipalPoint - the 3D coordinates of the origin of the projection plane.
    • setRollAngle

      public void setRollAngle(double aRollAngle)
      Sets the up vector corresponding to a given roll angle. The roll angle is measured clockwise in the projection plane, relative to the plane determined by the camera vector and the optical axis.
      aRollAngle - the roll angle.
    • setUpVector

      public void setUpVector(ILcdPoint aUpVector)
      Sets the "up" direction of the camera, expressed in geocentric coordinates.
      aUpVector - the "up" vector expressed in geocentric coordinates.
    • getUpVector

      public ILcdPoint getUpVector()
      Returns the normalized "up" direction of the camera, expressed in geocentric coordinates.
      the the normalized "up" vector expressed in geocentric coordinates.
    • getRightVector

      public ILcdPoint getRightVector()
      Returns the normalized "right" direction of the camera, expressed in geocentric coordinates. The "right" vector has the origin at the perspective center and is orthogonal to the "up" vector and the optical axis.
      the the normalized "right" vector expressed in geocentric coordinates.
    • lonlatheight2worldOnSphereSFCT

      public void lonlatheight2worldOnSphereSFCT(ILcdPoint aLLHP, double aRadius, ILcd2DEditablePoint aXYPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Transforms an ILcd2DEditablePoint on a sphere into the cartesian coordinate system of the projection.
      aLLHP - point to be projected.
      aRadius - radius of the sphere (meters).
      aXYPointSFCT - projected point as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the ILcdPoint aLLHP is not within the valid area of the projection (visible area), then this exception is thrown.
    • world2lonlatOnSphereSFCT

      public void world2lonlatOnSphereSFCT(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, double aRadius, ILcd2DEditablePoint aLLPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Transforms an ILcdPoint from the cartesian coordinate system of the projection into an ILcd2DEditablePoint onto a sphere.
      aXYPoint - projected point for which the corresponding geodetic point is sought.
      aRadius - radius of the sphere (meters).
      aLLPointSFCT - resulting geodetic coordinate as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the ILcdPoint aXYPoint is not within the valid area of the projection (visible area), then this exception is thrown.
    • inLonLatBounds

      public boolean inLonLatBounds(ILcdPoint aLLHP)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Checks if an ILcdPoint is inside the valid area of geodetic coordinates of the projection. The valid area is determined by the LonLatPoints that are visible and for which the corresponding cartesian coordinate is within the boundaries.
      aLLHP - ILcdPoint to be checked upon.
      true if valid, false if invalid.
    • inWorldBoundsOnSphere

      public boolean inWorldBoundsOnSphere(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, double aRadius)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Checks if a ILcdPoint is inside the valid cartesian area of the projection. The valid cartesian area is determined naturally by the projection bounds or by an artificial introduced boundary limit because some cartesian points are at infinity. The shape of the valid cartesian area is in many cases rectangular or circular although it might be more complex.
      aXYPoint - point to be checked upon.
      aRadius - radius of the sphere.
      true if valid, false if invalid.
    • world2DEditableBoundsOnSphereSFCT

      public void world2DEditableBoundsOnSphereSFCT(double aRadius, ILcd2DEditableBounds aWorldBounds)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Sets the ILcd2DEditableBounds object to the bounds of the projection in world coordinates.
      aRadius - radius of the sphere.
      aWorldBounds - the bounds of the projection in world coordinates as side effect.