Class TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer extends ALcdSLDSymbolizer
A RasterSymbolizer is used to specify the rendering of raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite images, DEMs).
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer

      public TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer()
      Empty constructor.
    • TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer

      public TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer(TLcdSLDGeometry aGeometry, TLcdSLDParameterValue aOpacity, TLcdSLDChannelSelection aChannelSelection, TLcdSLDOverlapBehavior aOverlapBehavior, TLcdSLDColorMap aColorMap, TLcdSLDContrastEnhancement aContrastEnhancement, TLcdSLDShadedRelief aShadedRelief, TLcdSLDImageOutline aImageOutline)
      Constructor for given parameters.
      aGeometry - the given geometry.
      aOpacity - the given opacity.
      aChannelSelection - the given channel selection.
      aOverlapBehavior - the given overlap behaviour.
      aColorMap - the given color map.
      aContrastEnhancement - the given contrast enhancement.
      aShadedRelief - the given shaded relief.
      aImageOutline - the given image outline.
    • TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer

      public TLcdSLDRasterSymbolizer(TLcdDataType aDataType)
      Empty constructor.
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      Creates a new builder with the default values.
      the new builder.
    • getGeometry

      public TLcdSLDGeometry getGeometry()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the Geometry element.

      A Geometry gives reference to a (the) geometry property of a feature to be used for rendering. The geometry is optional and may thus be null. If null, the default geometry of an object should be rendered with a stroke. E.g. when a ILcdModel contains ILcdShape objects, the geometry may be null as the object itself is a geometry.

      the value of the GEOMETRY_PROPERTY property.
    • setGeometry

      public void setGeometry(TLcdSLDGeometry aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the Geometry element.

      A Geometry gives reference to a (the) geometry property of a feature to be used for rendering. The geometry is optional and may thus be null. If null, the default geometry of an object should be rendered with a stroke. E.g. when a ILcdModel contains ILcdShape objects, the geometry may be null as the object itself is a geometry.

      aValue - the value to set for the GEOMETRY_PROPERTY property.
    • getOpacity

      public TLcdSLDParameterValue getOpacity()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the Opacity element.

      The parameter should evaluate to a decimal number between 0 and 1.

      the value of the OPACITY_PROPERTY property.
    • setOpacity

      public void setOpacity(TLcdSLDParameterValue aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the Opacity element.

      The parameter should evaluate to a decimal number between 0 and 1.

      aValue - the value to set for the OPACITY_PROPERTY property.
    • getChannelSelection

      public TLcdSLDChannelSelection getChannelSelection()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ChannelSelection element.

      "ChannelSelection" specifies the false-color channel selection for a multi-spectral raster source.

      the value of the CHANNEL_SELECTION_PROPERTY property.
    • setChannelSelection

      public void setChannelSelection(TLcdSLDChannelSelection aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ChannelSelection element.

      "ChannelSelection" specifies the false-color channel selection for a multi-spectral raster source.

      aValue - the value to set for the CHANNEL_SELECTION_PROPERTY property.
    • getOverlapBehavior

      public TLcdSLDOverlapBehavior getOverlapBehavior()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the OverlapBehavior element.

      "OverlapBehavior" tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer overlap each other, for example with satellite-image scenes.

      the value of the OVERLAP_BEHAVIOR_PROPERTY property.
    • setOverlapBehavior

      public void setOverlapBehavior(TLcdSLDOverlapBehavior aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the OverlapBehavior element.

      "OverlapBehavior" tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer overlap each other, for example with satellite-image scenes.

      aValue - the value to set for the OVERLAP_BEHAVIOR_PROPERTY property.
    • getColorMap

      public TLcdSLDColorMap getColorMap()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ColorMap element.

      A "ColorMap" defines either the colors of a pallet-type raster source or the mapping of numeric pixel values to colors.

      the value of the COLOR_MAP_PROPERTY property.
    • setColorMap

      public void setColorMap(TLcdSLDColorMap aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ColorMap element.

      A "ColorMap" defines either the colors of a pallet-type raster source or the mapping of numeric pixel values to colors.

      aValue - the value to set for the COLOR_MAP_PROPERTY property.
    • getContrastEnhancement

      public TLcdSLDContrastEnhancement getContrastEnhancement()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ContrastEnhancement element.

      "ContrastEnhancement" defines the 'stretching' of contrast for a channel of a false-color image or for a whole grey/color image. Contrast enhancement is used to make ground features in images more visible.

      the value of the CONTRAST_ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTY property.
    • setContrastEnhancement

      public void setContrastEnhancement(TLcdSLDContrastEnhancement aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ContrastEnhancement element.

      "ContrastEnhancement" defines the 'stretching' of contrast for a channel of a false-color image or for a whole grey/color image. Contrast enhancement is used to make ground features in images more visible.

      aValue - the value to set for the CONTRAST_ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTY property.
    • getShadedRelief

      public TLcdSLDShadedRelief getShadedRelief()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ShadedRelief element.

      "ShadedRelief" specifies the application of relief shading (or "hill shading") to a DEM raster to give it somewhat of a three-dimensional effect and to make elevation changes more visible.

      the value of the SHADED_RELIEF_PROPERTY property.
    • setShadedRelief

      public void setShadedRelief(TLcdSLDShadedRelief aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ShadedRelief element.

      "ShadedRelief" specifies the application of relief shading (or "hill shading") to a DEM raster to give it somewhat of a three-dimensional effect and to make elevation changes more visible.

      aValue - the value to set for the SHADED_RELIEF_PROPERTY property.
    • getImageOutline

      public TLcdSLDImageOutline getImageOutline()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ImageOutline element.

      "ImageOutline" specifies how individual source rasters in a multi-raster set (such as a set of satellite-image scenes) should be outlined to make the individual-image locations visible.

      the value of the IMAGE_OUTLINE_PROPERTY property.
    • setImageOutline

      public void setImageOutline(TLcdSLDImageOutline aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ImageOutline element.

      "ImageOutline" specifies how individual source rasters in a multi-raster set (such as a set of satellite-image scenes) should be outlined to make the individual-image locations visible.

      aValue - the value to set for the IMAGE_OUTLINE_PROPERTY property.
    • getVendorOptions

      public List<TLcdSLDVendorOption> getVendorOptions()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the VendorOption element.
      the value of the VENDOR_OPTION_PROPERTY property.