Class TLcdSLDShadedRelief

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdSLDShadedRelief extends TLcdDataObject
Shaded relief specifies the application of relief shading (or "hill shading") to a elevation raster to give it somewhat of a three-dimensional effect and to make elevation changes more visible. Exact parameters of the shading are system-dependent (for now). If the BrightnessOnly flag is false, the shading is applied to the layer being rendered as the current RasterSymbol. If BrightnessOnly is true, the shading is applied to the brightness of the colors in the rendering canvas generated so far by other layers, with the effect of relief-shading these other layers. The default for BrightnessOnly is false. The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the "hills".
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSLDShadedRelief

      public TLcdSLDShadedRelief()
      Empty constructor.
    • TLcdSLDShadedRelief

      public TLcdSLDShadedRelief(boolean aIsBrightnessOnly, double aReliefFactor)
      Constructor for given parameters.
      aIsBrightnessOnly - the given brightness only flag.
      aReliefFactor - the given relief factor.
    • TLcdSLDShadedRelief

      public TLcdSLDShadedRelief(TLcdDataType aDataType)
      Empty constructor.
  • Method Details

    • isBrightnessOnly

      public boolean isBrightnessOnly()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the BrightnessOnly element.

      If the BrightnessOnly flag is false, the shading is applied to the layer being rendered as the current RasterSymbol. If BrightnessOnly is true, the shading is applied to the brightness of the colors in the rendering canvas generated so far by other layers, with the effect of relief-shading these other layers. The default for BrightnessOnly is false.

      the value of the BRIGHTNESS_ONLY_PROPERTY property.
    • setBrightnessOnly

      public void setBrightnessOnly(boolean aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the BrightnessOnly element.

      If the BrightnessOnly flag is false, the shading is applied to the layer being rendered as the current RasterSymbol. If BrightnessOnly is true, the shading is applied to the brightness of the colors in the rendering canvas generated so far by other layers, with the effect of relief-shading these other layers. The default for BrightnessOnly is false.

      aValue - the value to set for the BRIGHTNESS_ONLY_PROPERTY property.
    • getReliefFactor

      public double getReliefFactor()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ReliefFactor element.

      The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the "hills". Default value is 55 (as stated in the standard).

      the value of the RELIEF_FACTOR_PROPERTY property.
    • setReliefFactor

      public void setReliefFactor(double aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ReliefFactor element.

      The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the "hills". Default value is 55 (as stated in the standard).

      aValue - the value to set for the RELIEF_FACTOR_PROPERTY property.