Uses of Class

Packages that use TLcdFeaturedModelDescriptor
Provides classes to read and write geometries and features from generic spatial databases.
Provides a decoder and an encoder for geometries from DB2 Spatial databases.
Provides a decoder and an encoder for geometries from Informix databases with the Geodetic Datablade.
Provides a decoder and an encoder for geometries from Informix Spatial databases.
Handles MapInfo formats: the binary map format and the ASCII mif format.
Provides a TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder and a TLcdMSSQLModelEncoder for geometries from Microsoft SQL databases.
Provides a decoder and an encoder for geometries from Oracle Locator/Spatial databases with the Object-Relational model.
Handles the POL format.
Provides a decoder and an encoder for geometries from PostgreSQL databases with the PostGIS spatial extension.
Handles the shp format.
Provides a decoder and an encoder for geometries from SQLite databases with the SpatiaLite spatial extension.
The drawing domain objects are styled using SLD.
Model interfaces
Contains the domain model to represent military symbols from the APP-6A standard, or optionally also from the TTA-106 V4 standard.
Military units (including modifiers) that can be represented by the MIL-STD 2525 military symbology standard.