Class TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor, com.luciad.internal.format.database.ILinDatabaseModelDescriptor2, ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, ILcdFeaturedDescriptor, ILcdFeaturedDescriptorProvider, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor extends TLcdDatabaseModelDescriptor implements ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor
This ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor describes a layer from an DB2 Spatial database.

For accessing an existing Spatial layer, the following information is required:

  • a database driver,
  • a database URL,
  • connection properties,
  • a table name,
  • a column name containing the geometries,
  • a display names,
  • an optional list of feature names,
  • an optional selection filter, with additional selection tables.

For creating a new Spatial layer, the following additional information is required:

  • a list of data types corresponding to the optional feature names.
See Also:
  • "IBM DB2 Spatial Extender Module with the Geodetic Management Feature, versions 9.x."
  • Serialized Form
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor()
      Constructs a new (invalid) DB2 Spatial layer descriptor with default properties.
    • TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor(String aDriver, String aURL, Properties aConnectionProperties, String aTableName, String aGeometryColumnName)
      Constructs a new DB2 Spatial table descriptor that does not specify any feature columns.
      aDriver - the JDBC driver name.
      aURL - the JDBC connection URL.
      aConnectionProperties - the connection properties, including 'user' and 'password'.
      aTableName - the spatial layer name.
      aGeometryColumnName - the name of the column containing spatial objects.
    • TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor(String aDriver, String aURL, Properties aConnectionProperties, String aTableName, String aGeometryColumnName, String[] aFeatureNames, int aPrimaryFeatureIndex)
      Constructs a new DB2 Spatial table descriptor specifying the names of the columns to be used as features.
      aDriver - the JDBC driver name.
      aURL - the JDBC connection URL.
      aConnectionProperties - the connection properties, including 'user' and 'password'.
      aTableName - the spatial layer name.
      aGeometryColumnName - the name of the column containing spatial objects.
      aFeatureNames - the column names of the features that should be retrieved.
      aPrimaryFeatureIndex - the index of the feature that can be used a a primary key on the spatial table.
    • TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDB2SpatialModelDescriptor(String aDriver, String aURL, Properties aConnectionProperties, String aTableName, String aGeometryColumnName, String[] aFeatureNames, int aPrimaryFeatureIndex, boolean aPrimaryFeatureAutoGenerated)
      Constructs a new DB2 Spatial table descriptor specifying the names of the columns to be used as features.
      aDriver - the JDBC driver name.
      aURL - the JDBC connection URL.
      aConnectionProperties - the connection properties, including 'user' and 'password'.
      aTableName - the spatial layer name.
      aGeometryColumnName - the name of the column containing spatial objects.
      aFeatureNames - the column names of the features that should be retrieved.
      aPrimaryFeatureIndex - the index of the feature that can be used a a primary key on the spatial table.
      aPrimaryFeatureAutoGenerated - specifies whether the primary key is automatically generated by the database.
  • Method Details

    • getWKTReference

      public String getWKTReference()
      Retrieves the Well-Known-Text specified in the database.

      Do not use this method - it is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

      the WKT
    • setWKTReference

      public void setWKTReference(String aWKTReference)
      Sets the Well-Known-Text used for creating the model reference.

      Do not use this method - it is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

      aWKTReference - the well-known-text.
    • isGeodetic

      public boolean isGeodetic()
      Returns true if the Spatial Reference ID number (SRID) corresponds to DB2 geodetic data, or false otherwise. Note that in this context "geodetic" means that the database is using a round-Earth representation for keeping geometry information. This property is not necessarily related to the returned model reference, which may be overridden by the user (see TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder).

      Do not use this method - it is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

      true if the SRID corresponds to DB2 geodetic data, false otherwise.
    • setEllipsoid

      public void setEllipsoid(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor
      Sets the ellipsoid of the database object's reference.
      Specified by:
      setEllipsoid in interface ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor
      setEllipsoid in class TLcdDatabaseModelDescriptor
      aEllipsoid - the ellipsoid of the database object's reference.