Uses of Package

Packages that use com.luciad.lucy.gui
This package contains the core of Lucy: the back-end, which is the central point of Lucy where addons can add functionality to extend Lucy, and the default front-end.
This package provides a new, highly configurable data format.
This package contains the default toolbar for editing drawing models used in the drawing add on.
This package provides the TLcyLspDrawingAddOn.
This package contains the default toolbar factory for editing drawing models on a Lightspeed view.
This add-on provides one menu/tool bar item that enables/disables the presence of a container for ALcyFormatBars, located at the bottom of the ILcyMapComponent (location is configurable).
Provides the addon that supports the KML 2.2 format.
It is the responsibility of this addon to keep the layer control in sync with the active map component of the Lucy application.
Provides the addon that allows to switch the Look and Feel of Lucy at runtime.
This package provides the TLcyLspMapAddOn, which is the Lightspeed counterpart of the TLcyMapAddOn.
Provides the addon that allows to forecast and display the variations in the magnetic north using the WMM and IGRF magnetic models.
Provides various addons that add support for 2D maps; the most important addon is the TLcyMapAddOn.
Provides the addon that allows to open data that is missing a valid model reference (=coordinate system), and that allows to create Luciad .ref files for storing such a model reference specification.
Provides the addon that allows to draw trajectories on the map and to replay tracks along those trajectories.
Provides the addon that offers preview support to Lucy for replaying recorded or simulated data.
Provides the addon that offers printing support to Lucy.
Provides the addon that allows to customize/inspect the selected object.
Terrain analysis add-on for contour calculations.
Terrain analysis add-on for extreme point calculations.
Terrain analysis add-on for hypsometry calculations.
Terrain analysis add-on for line-of-sight coverages.
Terrain analysis add-on for viewsheds.
Terrain analysis add-on for visibility calculations.
Provides the addon that offers vertical (or profile) views of loaded data.
Provides the addon that supports the VPF data format.
Contains graphical user interface related classes like menu bars, toolbars, application panes and customizer factories.
Contains support classes for handling TLcdStatusEvent's in an application.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual represention of a map.
Provides actions that have a relationship with a map.
Provides actions that have a relationship with a Lightspeed map.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual representation of a map.