Uses of Class

Contains graphical user interface related classes like menu bars, toolbars, application panes and customizer factories.
  • Uses of TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder in com.luciad.lucy.gui

    Modifier and Type
    Calling this method will trigger synchronization in both directions: actions and active settables added to the source action bar will automatically be added to the target action bar, and actions and active settables added to target action bar will automatically be added to the source action bar.
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.newInstance(TLcyActionBarManager aActionBarManager)
    Create a new TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder instance
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.newInstance(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
    Short for
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.sourceActionBar(ILcyActionBar aSourceActionBar)
    Sets the source action bar: all (current and future) actions and active settables from this action bar will be added to the target action bar.
    In the most typical scenario, the source action bar is the action bar registered in the TLcyActionBarManager, and the target action bar is the action bar which is shown in the UI.
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.sourceActionBar(String aSourceActionBarName, Object aSourceActionBarContext)
    Sets the source action bar by specifying the name and context by which it is known in the TLcyActionBarManager: all (current and future) actions and active settables from this action bar will be added to the target action bar.
    In the most typical scenario, the source action bar is the action bar registered in the TLcyActionBarManager, and the target action bar is the action bar which is shown in the UI.
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.sourceActionBarIncludingActiveContexts(String aSourceActionBarName)
    Sets the global source action bar by specifying the name by which it is known in the TLcyActionBarManager: all (current and future) actions and active settables from this global action bar will be added to the target action bar, as well as all (current and future) actions and active settables of the non-global action bar of all the active contexts.
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.targetActionBar(ILcyActionBar aTargetActionBar)
    Sets the target action bar: all (current and future) actions and active settables of the source action bar will be added to this action bar.
    In the most typical scenario, the source action bar is the action bar registered in the TLcyActionBarManager, and the target action bar is the action bar which is shown in the UI.
    TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder.targetActionBar(String aTargetActionBarName, Object aTargetActionBarContext)
    Sets the target action bar by specifying the name and context by which it is known in the TLcyActionBarManager: all (current and future) actions and active settables of the source action bar will be added to this action bar.
    In the most typical scenario, the source action bar is the action bar registered in the TLcyActionBarManager, and the target action bar is the action bar which is shown in the UI.