Package com.luciad.geodesy

package com.luciad.geodesy
Specifies ellipsoids and geodetic datums. Implements most commonly used ellipsoids and geodetic datums defined in literature.
  • Class
    Interface that defines all ellipsoids.
    An ILcdEllipsoidFactory is an object to create ILcdEllipsoid objects (Factory pattern).
    An ILcdGeodeticDatum is comprised of an ellipsoid which is fixed to the physical earth in some manner.
    An ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory is an object to create ILcdGeodeticDatum objects (Factory pattern).
    Use the new vertical datum support in com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdGeodeticDatum as this allows to use geoids for geodetic datums and ILcdGeoReference instances such as com.luciad.reference.ILcdGridReference.
    Ellipsoid factory taken of the following source Defense Mapping Agency.
    A TLcdEllipsoid represents an ellipsoid and is the implementation of an ILcdEllipsoid.
    Utility for a series of specific topology calculations with rhumblines on the ellipsoid.
    Utility for a series of specific calculations on the ellipsoid.
    GeodeticDatumFactory of different geodetic datums with respect to WGS-1984, taken from the EPSG database.
    ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory implementation that creates TLcdGeodeticDatum objects based on the 7 (or 10) parameters that define the geodetic datum.
    A geodetic datum TLcdGeodeticDatum is described by the position, orientation and scale relationships of its ILcdEllipsoid to an earth centered earth fixed ILcdEllipsoid.
    TLcdGeodeticDatumEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport to provide bean property editor support for geodetic datums.
    The TLcdGeodeticDatumFactory is capable of creating an instance of ILcdGeodeticDatum by decoding a given Properties object.
    Creates geodetic datums combining horizontal and vertical datums.
    Ellipsoid factory taken of the following source Defense Mapping Agency.
    GeodeticDatumFactory for different geodetic datums w.r.t. different Ellipsoids taken from the EPSG tables included in the GeoTiff lib.
    GeodeticDatumFactory of different geodetic datums w.r.t. WGS-1984, taken from Defense Mapping Agency Technical Report, Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984, DMA TR 8350.2 Third Edition, amendment 1, 3 January 2000.
    Use the new vertical datum support in com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdGeodeticDatum as this allows to use geoids for geodetic datums and ILcdGeoReference instances such as com.luciad.reference.ILcdGridReference.
    Utility for a series of specific topology calculations with rhumblines on the sphere.
    TLcdSphereUtil is a utility class that implements spherical trigonometry.