Class TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory, Serializable

public class TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory extends Object implements ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory, Serializable
GeodeticDatumFactory of different geodetic datums w.r.t. WGS-1984, taken from Defense Mapping Agency Technical Report, Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984, DMA TR 8350.2 Third Edition, amendment 1, 3 January 2000. This is only a subset.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int ADINDAN
      ID for ADINDAN.
      See Also:
    • AFG

      public static final int AFG
      ID for AFG.
      See Also:
    • AIN_EL_ABD_1970

      public static final int AIN_EL_ABD_1970
      ID for AIN EL ABD 1970 .
      See Also:
    • ALASKA_NAD_1927

      public static final int ALASKA_NAD_1927
      ID for ALASKA NAD 1927 .
      See Also:

      public static final int ALASKA_CANADA_NAD_1927
      ID for ALASKA CANADA NAD 1927 .
      See Also:
    • EUROPEAN_1950

      public static final int EUROPEAN_1950
      ID for EUROPEAN 1950 .
      See Also:
    • EUROPEAN_1950_MEAN

      public static final int EUROPEAN_1950_MEAN
      ID for EUROPEAN 1950 MEAN .
      See Also:
    • EUROPEAN_1979_MEAN

      public static final int EUROPEAN_1979_MEAN
      ID for EUROPEAN 1979 MEAN .
      See Also:
    • NORTH_AMERICA_1983

      public static final int NORTH_AMERICA_1983
      ID for NORTH AMERICA 1983 .
      See Also:

      public static final int NORTH_AMERICA_1927_MEAN
      ID for NORTH AMERICA 1927 MEAN .
      See Also:
    • WGS_1972

      public static final int WGS_1972
      ID for WGS 1972 .
      See Also:
    • WGS_1984

      public static final int WGS_1984
      ID for WGS 1984 .
      See Also:

      public static final int NORTH_AMERICA_1983_HARN
      ID for NORTH AMERICA 1983 HARN.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory

      public TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getAliasNames

      public TLcdAliasNames getAliasNames()
      This method returns the possible aliases for the geodetic data that this TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory can create.
      the possible aliases for the geodetic data that this TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory can create.
    • createGeodeticDatum

      public ILcdGeodeticDatum createGeodeticDatum(String aPrefix, Properties aProperties) throws IllegalArgumentException
      This method will, given aPrefix and aProperties, return a TLcdGeodeticDatum. It will look for the following key : <aPrefix>TLcdNIMA8350GeodeticDatumFactory.geodeticDatumName : the name of the TLcdGeodeticDatum of which an instance should be created.
      Specified by:
      createGeodeticDatum in interface ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory
      aPrefix - prefix for property names.
      aProperties - Properties object from which to derive the geodetic datum.
      ILcdGeodeticDatum associated to the combination aPrefix and aProperties.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is illegal.
    • createGeodeticDatum

      public ILcdGeodeticDatum createGeodeticDatum(int aID)
      This method creates an instance of TLcdGeodeticDatum, given one of the identification codes of a geodetic datum as defined in this class. The default geodetic datum that is returned, in case an invalid id was given, is WGS84.
      aID - one of the constants.
      an instance of TLcdGeodeticDatum, given one of the identification codes of a geodetic datum as defined in this class.