Class TLcdEllipsoidRhumblineUtil


public class TLcdEllipsoidRhumblineUtil extends Object
Utility for a series of specific topology calculations with rhumblines on the ellipsoid.
  • Method Details

    • contains2D

      public static boolean contains2D(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Checks if the point aPoint lies on the rhumb line between aP1 and aP2.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the rhumb line is defined.
      aP1 - start point of the rhumb line.
      aP2 - end point of the rhumb line.
      aPoint - point to be checked.
      true if the point is on the rhumb line, false otherwise.
    • contains2DLS

      public static boolean contains2DLS(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdPoint aP4)
      Checks if the rhumb line between aP1 and aP2 contains the rhumb line between aP3 and aP4.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the rhumb lines are defined.
      aP1 - start point of the first rhumb line.
      aP2 - end point of the first rhumb line.
      aP3 - start point of the second rhumb line.
      aP4 - end point of the second rhumb line.
      true if the first rhumb line contains the second, false otherwise.
    • polygonContains2D

      public static boolean polygonContains2D(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPolygon aPolygon, double aLonP, double aLatP)
      Checks if a point lies inside a polygon. We define the point with coordinates aLonP,aLatP to be inside if:
      • the point interacts with the polygon bounds
      • the point has an odd number of polygon edge intersections within a distance of 180 degrees in northern direction (azimuth zero degrees) if this fails we also try in southern direction
      The polygon thus shouldn't be larger than a hemisphere.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the polygon and point are defined.
      aPolygon - polygon w.r.t. which the test is performed.
      aLonP - longitude of the point to be tested in degrees.
      aLatP - latitude of the point to be tested in degrees.
      true if the point lies inside the polygon, false otherwise.
    • intersects2DLS

      public static boolean intersects2DLS(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdPoint aP4)
      Checks if two rhumb lines intersect.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the rhumb lines are defined.
      aP1 - start point of the first rhumb line.
      aP2 - end point of the first rhumb line.
      aP3 - start point of the second rhumb line.
      aP4 - end point of the second rhumb line.
      true if the two rhumb lines intersect, false otherwise.
    • intersection2DLineSegments

      public static int intersection2DLineSegments(ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdPoint aP4, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint aResult1SFCT, ILcd2DEditablePoint aResult2SFCT)
      Computes the intersection of two rhumb lines.

      The method has two ILcd2DEditablePoint objects as side effect parameters containing the result. They are filled in depending on the return value of the method.

      aP1 - the start point of the first rhumb line.
      aP2 - the end point of the first rhumb line.
      aP3 - the start point of the second rhumb line.
      aP4 - the end point of the second rhumb line.
      aEllipsoid - the ellipsoid on which the points are defined.
      aResult1SFCT - the intersection point (or an end point of the interval of overlapping points).
      aResult2SFCT - if there is an interval of overlapping points, this contains one of the end points.
      • 0: no intersection between the two rhumb lines
      • 1: the rhumb lines have one intersection point
      • -1: the two rhumb lines share an interval of points
    • intersectsGeodesicRhumbline

      public static boolean intersectsGeodesicRhumbline(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdPoint aP4)
      Checks if a geodesic and a rhumb line intersect.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the geodesic and rhumb line are defined.
      aP1 - start point of the geodesic.
      aP2 - end point of the geodesic.
      aP3 - start point of the rhumb line.
      aP4 - end point of the rhumb line.
      true if the geodesic and rhumbline intersect, false otherwise.
    • intersectionGeodesicRhumblineSFCT

      public static int intersectionGeodesicRhumblineSFCT(ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdPoint aP4, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint[] aPointsSFCT)
      Computes the intersection points of a geodesic and a rhumb line. The result is filled in the given point array. The number of intersection points is returned as an integer.
      aP1 - the start point of the geodesic.
      aP2 - the end point of the geodesic.
      aP3 - the start point of the rhumb line.
      aP4 - the end point of the rhumb line.
      aEllipsoid - the ellipsoid on which the points are defined.
      aPointsSFCT - The array of points in which the results should be stored.
      The number of intersection points (a value between 0 and 3). If no intersection is found, 0 is returned. If the geodesic and rhumb line share an interval of points, -1 is returned. In this case, aPointsSFCT contains the two end points of this interval.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the length of aPointsSFCT is smaller than the number of intersection points.
    • rhumblinePointSFCT

      public static void rhumblinePointSFCT(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, double aK, ILcd2DEditablePoint aRhumblinePoint)
      Calculates the rhumbline point at a fraction aK of the rhumbline distance between two points aP1 and aP2.
      aEllipsoid - the ellipsoid on which to perform the calculations
      aP1 - the first point of the rhumb line
      aP2 - the second point of the rhumb line
      aK - the fraction of the rhumbline distance between aP1 and aP2
      aRhumblinePoint - the resulting point
    • closestPointOnShape

      public static double closestPointOnShape(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdShape aShape, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint aResultSFCT)
      Finds the shortest rhumb distance from the given point to the given shape. The corresponding point on the shape is returned in the side effect parameter.

      This methods supports rhumb ILcdPolyline and ILcdPolygon instances.

      For the shortest geodesic distance to a rhumb shape, see TLcdEllipsoidUtil.closestPointOnShape(com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint, com.luciad.shape.ILcdShape, com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdEllipsoid, com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditablePoint)

      aPoint - the starting point
      aShape - the shape for which to find the point closest to aPoint
      aEllipsoid - the ellipsoid on which to perform the calculation
      aResultSFCT - side-effect parameter for the resulting point
      the shortest rhumb distance (meters)
      IllegalArgumentException - if the provided shape is not supported
    • closestPointOnRhumbline

      public static double closestPointOnRhumbline(ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, double aRelativeTolerance, double aAbsoluteTolerance, ILcd2DEditablePoint aResultSFCT)

      Finds the shortest rhumb distance from point aP3 to the rhumbline segment aP1-aP2 within an accuracy of max( aAbsoluteTolerance, aRelativeTolerance * rhumblineDistance(aP1,aP2) ). The corresponding point on the rhumbline segment is returned in the side effect parameter aResultSFCT.

      The difference between this method and the closestPointOnRhumblineGeodesic method is that the rhumb distance is used instead of the geodesic distance.

      aP1 - start point of the rhumbline segment.
      aP2 - end point of the rhumbline segment.
      aP3 - point from which the shortest distance to the line segment is sought.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which to perform the calculation.
      aRelativeTolerance - relative tolerance.
      aAbsoluteTolerance - absolute tolerance.
      aResultSFCT - contains the point on the rhumbline segment that is the shortest from point aP3.
      the rhumb distance from point aP3 to the rhumbline segment aP1-aP2 (meters).
    • closestPointOnRhumblineGeodesic

      public static double closestPointOnRhumblineGeodesic(ILcdPoint aP1, ILcdPoint aP2, ILcdPoint aP3, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, double aRelativeTolerance, double aAbsoluteTolerance, ILcd2DEditablePoint aResultSFCT)

      Finds the shortest geodesic distance from point aP3 to the rhumbline segment aP1-aP2 within an accuracy of max( aAbsoluteTolerance, aRelativeTolerance * rhumblineDistance(aP1,aP2) ). The corresponding point on the rhumbline segment is returned in the side effect parameter aResultSFCT.

      The difference between this method and the closestPointOnRhumbline method is that the geodesic distance is used instead of the rhumb distance.

      aP1 - start point of the rhumbline segment.
      aP2 - end point of the rhumbline segment.
      aP3 - point from which the shortest distance to the line segment is sought.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which to perform the calculation.
      aRelativeTolerance - relative tolerance.
      aAbsoluteTolerance - absolute tolerance.
      aResultSFCT - contains the point on the rhumbline segment that is the shortest from point aP3.
      the geodesic distance from point aP3 to the rhumbline segment aP1-aP2 (meters).
    • rhumblineDistance3D

      public static double rhumblineDistance3D(ILcdPoint aPoint1, ILcdPoint aPoint2, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid)
      Calculates the rhumbline distance to go from point p1 to point p2. Unlike ILcdEllipsoid#rhumblineDistance, which ignores the height of the points, the distance calculations of this method take the heights of the given points into account.
      aPoint1 - the start (geodetic) point
      aPoint2 - the end (geodetic) point
      aEllipsoid - the ellipsoid on which to perform the distance calculation
      the 3D distance of the line segment formed by aPoint1 and aPoint2