Interface ILcd3DPrimitiveElement

public interface ILcd3DPrimitiveElement
An interface for an individual element of an ILcd3DPrimitive. Each element consists of indices into the vertex pools of an ILcd3DMesh. By convention, an index value of -1 indicates that the corresponding vertex attribute is undefined for that vertex.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the index of this element's color in the color pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh.
    Returns the index of this element's normal vector in the normal pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh.
    Returns the index of this element's texture coordinates in the texture coordinate pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh.
    Returns the index of this element's position in the vertex pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh.
  • Method Details

    • getVertexIndex

      int getVertexIndex()
      Returns the index of this element's position in the vertex pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh. This attribute must be defined.
    • getNormalIndex

      int getNormalIndex()
      Returns the index of this element's normal vector in the normal pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh. This attribute is optional; a return value of -1 indicates that it is undefined.
    • getTexCoordIndex

      int getTexCoordIndex()
      Returns the index of this element's texture coordinates in the texture coordinate pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh. This attribute is optional; a return value of -1 indicates that it is undefined.
    • getColorIndex

      int getColorIndex()
      Returns the index of this element's color in the color pool of the containing ILcd3DMesh. This attribute is optional; a return value of -1 indicates that it is undefined.