Package com.luciad.format.bingmaps

package com.luciad.format.bingmaps
This package contains functionality related to the decoding of Bing Maps models.

A TLcdBingMapsDataSource can be initialized with all information necessary to create a Bing Maps layer. A TLcdCustomBingMapsDataSource can be used to access a server offering tiles with the same protocol as BingMaps. Both these data sources can be used to decode a Bing Maps model using the TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder.

All copyright information can be retrieved from the model descriptor. The information is given as a list of copyright holders (TLcdBingMapsCopyrightHolder), each one covering a specific area (TLcdBingMapsCoverageArea).

Decoded Bing Maps models contain an ILcdEarthTileSet with image data, and hence can be visualized with standard Earth painters.
