Class TLcdBingMapsCopyrightHolder


public class TLcdBingMapsCopyrightHolder extends Object
Describes an copyright holder. This class identifies a number of coverage areas, that contain imagery protected by copyright. The corresponding copyright notice should be displayed when tiles overlapping with one of the coverage areas are visible.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdBingMapsCopyrightHolder

      public TLcdBingMapsCopyrightHolder(String aCopyrightNotice, List<TLcdBingMapsCoverageArea> aCoverageAreas)
      Creates a new TLcdBingMapsGXYCopyrightProvider with the passed copyright notice and coverage areas.
      aCopyrightNotice - the copyright notice of this copyright holder. The string that has to be visible when visualizing an area overlapping with one of the coverage areas.
      aCoverageAreas - the list of coverage areas.
  • Method Details

    • overlaps

      public boolean overlaps(int aMinZoomLevel, int aMaxZoomLevel, ILcdBounds aWGS84Bounds)
      Returns whether or not images protected by the corresponding copyright are used when displaying the passed bounds at a level in the passed range.
      aMinZoomLevel - the minimum Bing Maps level displayed.
      aMaxZoomLevel - the maximum Bing Maps level displayed.
      aWGS84Bounds - the bounds of the displayed Bing Maps data.
      true if at least one of the coverage areas overlaps with the passed arguments.
    • getCopyrightNotice

      public String getCopyrightNotice()
      Returns the copyright notice corresponding to this copyright holder, for example "(c) 2011 Luciad". This string is typically displayed when an area overlapping with the coverage areas is visualized.
      the attribution.