Interface ILcdASDIFlightPlanMessageFeatures

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdASDIFeatures, ILcdASDIMessageFeatures

public interface ILcdASDIFlightPlanMessageFeatures extends ILcdASDIMessageFeatures

Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface. It is supplied for backwards compatibility. It is recommended to use the new ILcdDataObject instead to retrieve information on the properties of all ASDI elements. For more information on ILcdDataObject, refer to the developer's guide or TLcdASDIDataTypes.

This interface defines constants for the feature names of the different flight plan messages on which a flight plan is based.

A flight plan uses the information of following messages :
  • DZ : departure message
  • AZ : arrival message
  • RZ : cancellation message
  • FZ : flight plan message
  • AF : flight plan amendment message
  • UZ : update information message
  • RT : ETMS route message

Each message offers different features.

The constants follow the naming convention as described in ILcdASDIFeatures.

An extra naming convention is added : each constant has a prefix indicating the type of message this feature belongs to. For instance DZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF refers to a feature for a DZ message

  • Field Details


      static final String DZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF
      Name of the DZ message feature indicating the flight id. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with FLIGHT_ID_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String DZ_AIRCRAFT_DATA_SF
      Name of the DZ message feature indicating the aircraft data. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String DZ_DEPARTURE_POINT_SF
      Name of the DZ message feature indicating the departure point. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String DZ_ACTUAL_DEPARTURE_TIME_TYPED_CF
      Name of the DZ message feature indicating the departure time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_TYPED_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String DZ_DESTINATION_SF
      Name of the DZ message feature indicating the destination. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String DZ_ESTIMATED_ARRIVAL_TIME_CF
      Name of the DZ message feature indicating the estimated arrival time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String AZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF
      Name of the AZ message feature indicating the flight id. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with FLIGHT_ID_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String AZ_DEPARTURE_POINT_SF
      Name of the AZ message feature indicating the departure point. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String AZ_DESTINATION_SF
      Name of the AZ message feature indicating the destination. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String AZ_ARRIVAL_TIME_TYPED_CF
      Name of the AZ message feature indicating the arrival time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_TYPED_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF
      Name of the RZ message feature indicating the flight id. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with FLIGHT_ID_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RZ_DEPARTURE_POINT_SF
      Name of the RZ message feature indicating the departure point. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RZ_DESTINATION_SF
      Name of the RZ message feature indicating the destination. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the flight id. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with FLIGHT_ID_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_AIRCRAFT_DATA_SF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the aircraft data. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_SPEED_CF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the speed. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with SPEED_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_COORDINATION_FIX_SF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the coordination fix. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_COORDINATION_TIME_TYPED_CF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the coordination time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_TYPED_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_ASSIGNED_ALTITUDE_CF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the assigned altitude. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with ALTITUDE_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_REQUESTED_ALTITUDE_CF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the requested altitude. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with ALTITUDE_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String FZ_ROUTE_SF
      Name of the FZ message feature indicating the route. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_FLIGHT_ID_CF
      Name of the AF message feature indicating the flight id. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with FLIGHT_ID_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_DEPARTURE_POINT_SF
      Name of the AF message feature indicating the departure point. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_DESTINATION_SF
      Name of the AF message feature indicating the destination. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_AMENDMENTS_CF
      Name of the AF message feature indicating the flight plan amendments. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with AF_AMENDMENTS_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_AMENDMENTS_CF__AIRCRAFT_DATA_SF
      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the aircraft data. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_AMENDMENTS_CF__SPEED_CF
      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the speed. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with SPEED_CF__.
      See Also:

      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the coordination fix. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the coordination time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_TYPED_CF__.
      See Also:

      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the assigned altitude. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with ALTITUDE_CF__.
      See Also:

      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the requested altitude. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with ALTITUDE_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String AF_AMENDMENTS_CF__ROUTE_SF
      Name of the sub feature of a flight plan amendment feature indicating the route. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the flight id. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with FLIGHT_ID_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_AIRCRAFT_DATA_SF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the aircraft data. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_SPEED_CF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the speed. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with SPEED_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_BOUNDARY_CROSSING_POINT_SF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the boundary crossing point. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_BOUNDARY_CROSSING_TIME_TYPED_CF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the time at the boundary crossing point. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_TYPED_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_BOUNDARY_CROSSING_ALTITUDE_CF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the altitude at the boundary crossing point. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with ALTITUDE_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String UZ_ROUTE_SF
      Name of the UZ message feature indicating the route. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_AIRCRAFT_ID_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the aircraft id. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_COMPUTER_ID_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the computer id for the aircraft. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ARRIVAL_FIX_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the arrival fix. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ARRIVAL_FIX_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the time at the arrival fix. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_DEPARTURE_DAY_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the departure day. The feature is of type java.util.Date.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ESTIMATED_DEPARTURE_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the estimated departure time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_CONTROLLED_DEPARTURE_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the controlled departure time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ESTIMATED_ARRIVAL_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the estimated arrival time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_CONTROLLED_ARRIVAL_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the controlled arrival time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ORIGINAL_DEPARTURE_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the original departure time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ORIGINAL_ARRIVAL_TIME_CF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the original arrival time. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features start with TIME_CF__.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_FLIGHT_STATUS_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the flight status. The feature is of type TLcdASDIMappedString.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_AC_PHYSICAL_CLASS_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the aircraft physical class. The feature is of type TLcdASDIMappedString.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_AC_USER_CLASS_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the aircraft user class. The feature is of type TLcdASDIMappedString.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_DEPARTURE_AIRPORT_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the departure airport. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ARRIVAL_AIRPORT_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the arrival airport. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_DEPARTURE_CENTER_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the departure center. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_CAUSING_MESSAGE_TYPE_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the message type that triggered this RT message. The feature is of type TLcdASDIMappedInteger.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_FLIGHT_INDEX_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the flight index. The feature is of type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_WAYPOINTS_SL
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the list of waypoints. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features are all of type ILcdPoint.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_SECTORS_SL
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the list of sectors. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features are all of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_FIXES_SL
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the list of fixes. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features are all of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_AIRWAYS_SL
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the list of airways. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features are all of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_CENTERS_SL
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the list of centers. The feature is of type ILcdFeatured, sub features are all of type TLcdASDIFacility.
      See Also:

      static final String RT_ROUTE_SF
      Name of the RT message feature indicating the route. The feature is of type String.
      See Also: