Bug fixDefense Symbology
The main geometry type of a number of APP-6A/B Minefield symbols has been changed. These symbols were modeled as polygons, which required the symbol to have at least 3 anchor points to define the symbol's shape. To better align these symbols with the NVG geometry bindings specification, the geometry has now been changed to a point, which requires only a single anchor point to define the symbol's shape. The following symbols are affected by this change:
- 2.X. "Planned Minefield"
- 2.X. "Completed Minefield"
- 2.X. "Antitank (AT) Minefield"
- 2.X. "Scatterable Mines"
- 2.X. "Antipersonnel (AP) Minefield Reinforced With Scatterable With Self-Destruct Date-Time-Group"
- 2.X. "Scatterable Minefield (Antitank Mines) With Self-Destruct Date-Time-Group"
- 2.X. "Executed Volcano Minefield"
The MilitarySymbologyPainter
is able to handle both the old shape
(multiple points, defining an area) and the new shape (a single point).
The behaviour for the old shape remains unchanged.
When providing a single point, the corresponding icon will be drawn.
Bug fixDefense Symbology
The main geometry type of the APP-6A/B symbol 2.X. "Fire Support Graphics - Fire Support Point - Target - Circular Target" has been changed. This symbol's geometry type was a circle, which required the symbol to have 2 anchor points to define the symbol's shape. The geometry has now been changed to point, which requires only a single anchor point to define the symbol's shape. To better align this symbol with the NVG geometry bindings specification, the geometry has now been changed to a point, which requires only a single anchor point to define the symbol's shape.
The MilitarySymbologyPainter
is able to handle both the old shape
(two points, defining a circle) and the new shape (a single point).
The behaviour for the old shape remains unchanged.
When providing a single point, the corresponding icon will be drawn.