Class TLspCGRSGridStyle.Builder<B extends TLspCGRSGridStyle.Builder<B>>

Enclosing class:

public static class TLspCGRSGridStyle.Builder<B extends TLspCGRSGridStyle.Builder<B>> extends Object
Builder for CGRS styles.
  • Method Details

    • defaultCGRSGridStyle

      public B defaultCGRSGridStyle()
      Configures this builder with a default CGRS grid style.
      this builder.
    • body

      public B body()
      After calling this method, all subsequent interval(), styles(), customizableStyles(), … calls will apply to all grid lines. I.e. all grid levels.

      When no subsequent interval() or styles() call is done, a default interval and default styles are chosen. Note that the default interval might not be a good default. See interval for more information.

      For an example of how to use this method, see TLspCGRSGridStyle.

      this builder
    • body

      public B body(TLspCGRSGridStyle.CGRSLevel aCGRSLevel)
      After calling this method, all subsequent interval(), styles(), customizableStyles(), … calls will apply to all grid lines of the given level, such as all 30 minute square lines.

      When no subsequent interval() or styles() call is done, a default interval and default styles are chosen. Note that the default interval might not be a good default. See interval for more information.

      For an example of how to use this method, see TLspCGRSGridStyle.

      aCGRSLevel - the CGRS level
      this builder
    • label

      public B label()
      After calling this method, all subsequent interval(), styles(), customizableStyles(), … calls will apply to all grid labels. I.e. all grid levels.

      When no subsequent interval() or styles() call is done, a default interval and default styles are chosen. Note that the default interval might not be a good default. See interval for more information.

      For an example of how to use this method, see TLspCGRSGridStyle.

      this builder
    • label

      public B label(TLspCGRSGridStyle.CGRSLevel aCGRSLevel)
      After calling this method, all subsequent interval(), styles(), customizableStyles(), … calls will apply to all grid labels of the given level, such as all 30 minute square labels.

      When no subsequent interval() or styles() call is done, a default interval and default styles are chosen. Note that the default interval might not be a good default. See interval for more information.

      For an example of how to use this method, see TLspCGRSGridStyle.

      aCGRSLevel - the CGRS level
      this builder
    • overlay

      public B overlay()
      After calling this method, all subsequent interval(), styles(), customizableStyles(), … calls will only apply to all overlay labels. See also TLspCGRSGridOverlayLabelBuilder.

      When no subsequent interval() or styles() call is done, a default interval and default styles are chosen.

      For an example of how to use this method, see TLspCGRSGridStyle.

      this builder
    • interval

      public B interval(double aMin, double aMax)
      After calling this method, all subsequent styles(), customizableStyles(), … calls will only apply to the given scale interval. It is possible to define multiple scale intervals for every line or label level. In order to do this, the interval method (and its subsequent calls) can be called multiple times.

      When not calling this method after calling one of the body or label methods, an interval from 0 (completely zoomed out) to Double.MAX_VALUE (completely zoomed in) is used. So if you want to use the same styles for every scale, this method should not be called.

      Note that it is important to choose realistic scales for each level. Not doing so may cause the grid to switch to a less detailed level. For example when specifying an interval from 0 (completely zoomed out) to Double.MAX_VALUE (completely zoomed in) for the 1 minute square level, too much geometry would need to be generated when zoomed out. To prevent this, the grid layer may switch to a less detailed level. This problem should be prevented by choosing a higher minimum scale.

      When specifying overlapping intervals, it's not specified which styles will be used. It is advised to only specify non-overlapping intervals for the same (CGRS level/body or label) combination.

      aMin - the minimum scale
      aMax - the maximum scale
      this builder
    • axes

      public B axes(EnumSet<TLspCGRSGridStyle.Axis> aAxes)

      This method specifies to which axes the subsequent calls, related to styling, are applied. It can be used to specify different styles, label formats, ... for each axis. This method only affects calls that are done after this method call.


         // For the X axis, the labels will be formatted and styled differently from the Y axis.
         TLspCGRSGridStyle.Builder builder = TLspCGRSGridStyle.newBuilder();
         // For the X axis, the labels will be formatted differently from the Y axis labels.
         // Both axes will use the same styles.
         TLspCGRSGridStyle.Builder builder = TLspCGRSGridStyle.newBuilder();
         builder.styles(style1, style2);
      aAxes - the axes for which the subsequent calls are applied.
      this builder.
    • styles

      public B styles(Collection<ALspStyle> aStyles)
      This method specifies the styles to use for the current CGRS level/interval combination. Keep in mind that not all styles are supported (see TLspCGRSGridStyle for more information).

      Either this method or the customizableStyles method should be called at least once after calling one of the body, label or interval methods. Otherwise, default styling is used.

      The difference between the styles() and customizableStyles() method is that the latter accepts TLspCustomizableStyle instances which will be exposed through the ILspStyler which is set on the resulting layer. That styler will implement the ILspCustomizableStyler interface and expose those customizable styles. The styles passed in the styles() method will not be exposed. The benefit of the customizableStyles() method is that it is possible to customize the styles later on (for example through a user interface). If no customization is needed afterwards, the styles() method has the advantage to skip the overhead of creating TLspCustomizableStyle instances.

      aStyles - the styles to use.
      this builder
    • styles

      public B styles(ALspStyle... aStyles)
      This method specifies the styles to use for the current CGRS level/interval combination. For more information, see styles(Collection).
      aStyles - the styles to use
      this builder
    • customizableStyles

      public B customizableStyles(Collection<TLspCustomizableStyle> aStyles)
      This method specifies the customizable styles to use for the current CGRS level/interval combination. Keep in mind that not all styles are supported (see TLspCGRSGridStyle for more information).

      Either this method or the styles method should be called at least once after calling one of the body, label or interval methods. Otherwise, default styling is used.

      The difference between the styles() and customizableStyles() method is that the latter accepts TLspCustomizableStyle instances which will be exposed through the ILspStyler which is set on the resulting layer. That styler will implement the ILspCustomizableStyler interface and expose those customizable styles. The styles passed in the styles() method will not be exposed. The benefit of the customizableStyles() method is that it is possible to customize the styles later on (for example through a user interface). If no customization is needed afterwards, the styles() method has the advantage to skip the overhead of creating TLspCustomizableStyle instances.

      aStyles - the styles to use.
      this builder
    • customizableStyles

      public B customizableStyles(TLspCustomizableStyle... aStyles)
      This method specifies the customizable styles to use for the current CGRS level/interval combination. For more information, see customizableStyles(Collection).
      aStyles - the styles to use
      this builder
    • format

      public B format(String aCoordinatePattern)
      Specifies the format pattern to use for the labels of the current CGRS level/interval combination. This method has no effect for bodies.

      If this method is not called, a default format is used.

      You can find more information about the EBNF notation and example format Strings in TLcdCGRSFormat.

      Depending on the label, only some parts of the format string will be used.

      aCoordinatePattern - the pattern used to format the label text
      this builder.
    • all

      public B all(TLspCGRSGridStyle aCGRSStyle)
      Sets all parameters on the builder based on the given CGRS style.

      This is useful for example to create a new style that has almost all properties equal to another style.

      aCGRSStyle - the CGRS style to copy
      this styler
    • build

      public TLspCGRSGridStyle build()
      Creates a new TLspCGRSGridStyle from this builder.
      a new TLspCGRSGridStyle