Interface ILspCustomizableStyler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALspCustomizableStyler, TLspCustomizableStyler, TLspLabelStyler, TLspLonLatGridStyler, TLspRulerLabelStyler

public interface ILspCustomizableStyler extends ILspStyler
An extension of ILspStyler which uses a limited set of customizable styles to define the styling of objects. These styles are available through the getStyles() method.

A customizable styler offers a generic way to enable and disable styles and change them. A typical use case for it is as follows:

  • an end-user wishes to customize a layer's style. The application checks if the layer has a customizable styler. If so, it retrieves the styles and checks if there are relevant customizer panels. An example of this could be a customizer panel for a line style.
  • the panel is initialized with the current line style settings
  • once the user has changed the line style settings in the customizer panel, a new line style is built and the old one is replaced
  • the styler automatically picks up the changes, and changes the visualization
  • Method Details

    • getStyles

      Returns the styler's customizable styles. When modifications are made to the styles, the styler will automatically inform its listeners about the change. The following changes can be made:

      • Styles can be enabled or disabled. Only the enabled styles will be set in the style method.
      • The ALspStyle in the TLspCustomizableStyle may be replaced
      The collection is not ordered, but you can use the identifier of the TLspCustomizableStyle to recognize and order the styles.
      An immutable collection containing all styles which will be set in the style method