Class TLcdWCSProxyModelFactory


public class TLcdWCSProxyModelFactory extends Object
Factory for creating WCS proxy models.

A proxy model uses a TLcdWCSClient instance as interface to connect with a WCS server, and to perform requests. A new TLcdWCSClient instance is created for each proxy model automatically, or it can be supplied manually, depending on the factory method used to create a proxy model.

To communicate with a WCS server, a proxy model uses the information published in its capabilities. If a TLcdWCSClient is supplied manually, the capabilities are automatically retrieved through TLcdWCSClient.getCachedCapabilities(). Otherwise, a TLcdWCSCapabilities object needs to be supplied manually. This can be obtained through a TLcdWCSCapabilitiesDecoder.

The proxy model is an image model model, and can be painted using the standard image painting / styling components available for GXY and Lightspeed layers. Once the model has been created, the TLcdWCSProxy object can be retrieved from it for further configuration.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdWCSProxyModelFactory

      public TLcdWCSProxyModelFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSClient aClient, String aCoverageName) throws IOException
      Given a WCS client and the name of a specific coverage, creates a proxy model for that coverage. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor instance.

      By default, the proxy uses TLcdGeoTIFFWCSCoverageDecoder to decode GetCoverage responses from the WCS, which provides support for the GeoTIFF output format.

      aClient - a WCS client.
      aCoverageName - the name of the coverage offering to be retrieved
      the WCS proxy model.
      IOException - if the proxy model cannot be created
    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSClient aClient, String aCoverageName, ILcdWCSCoverageTileDecoder[] aWCSCoverageTileDecoder) throws IOException
      Given a WCS client and the name of a specific coverage, creates a proxy model for that coverage. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor instance. The proxy uses the supplied coverage tile decoders to choose a supported output format at the WCS.
      aClient - a WCS client
      aCoverageName - the name of the coverage offering to be retrieved
      aWCSCoverageTileDecoder - an array of coverage tile decoders
      the WCS proxy model
      IOException - if the proxy model cannot be created
    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSClient aClient, String aCoverageName, ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder[] aCoverageDecoders) throws IOException
      Creates a proxy model for a coverage using the given coverage decoders. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor. You can use this to decode custom WCS output formats other than GeoTIFF. If GeoTIFF is the only output format you need, you can also use createProxyModel(TLcdWCSClient, String).
      aClient - a WCS client, must never be null
      aCoverageName - the name of the coverage offering, must never be null
      aCoverageDecoders - the coverage decoders, which may be empty but never null
      the WCS proxy model
    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSCapabilities aCapabilities, String aCoverageName) throws IOException
      Given a WCS capabilities document and the name of a specific coverage, creates a proxy model for that coverage. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor instance.
      aCapabilities - the capabilities of the service to be queried
      aCoverageName - the name of the coverage offering to be retrieved
      a TLcdWCSProxyModel
      IOException - if the proxy model cannot be created
    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSCapabilities aCapabilities, String aCoverageName, ILcdWCSCoverageTileDecoder[] aWCSCoverageTileDecoder) throws IOException
      Given a WCS capabilities document and the name of a specific coverage, creates a proxy model for that coverage. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor instance. The proxy uses the supplied coverage tile decoders to choose a supported output format at the WCS.
      aCapabilities - the capabilities of the service to be queried
      aCoverageName - the name of the coverage offering to be retrieved
      aWCSCoverageTileDecoder - an array of coverage tile decoders
      a TLcdWCSProxyModel
      IOException - if the proxy model cannot be created
    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSCapabilities aCapabilities, String aCoverageName, ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder[] aCoverageDecoders) throws IOException
      Given a WCS capabilities document and the name of a specific coverage, creates a proxy model for that coverage. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor instance. The proxy uses the supplied coverage decoders to choose a supported output format at the WCS.
      aCapabilities - the capabilities of the service to be queried
      aCoverageName - the name of the coverage offering to be retrieved
      aCoverageDecoders - the coverage decoders, which may be empty but never null
      a TLcdWCSProxyModel
      IOException - if the proxy model cannot be created
    • createProxyModel

      public TLcdWCSProxyModel createProxyModel(TLcdWCSDataSource aDataSource) throws IOException
      Given a data source, creates a proxy model for that URI and coverage defined in data source. The model contains a single TLcdWCSProxy object, and is described by a TLcdWCSProxyModelDescriptor instance.

      By default, the proxy uses TLcdGeoTIFFWCSCoverageDecoder to decode GetCoverage responses from the WCS, which provides support for the GeoTIFF output format.

      aDataSource - The data source which includes URI and coverage name.
      the WCS proxy model.
      IOException - if the proxy model cannot be created
    • setRequestProperty

      public void setRequestProperty(String aKey, String aValue)
      Sets the general request property. If a property with the key already exists, overwrite its value with the new value. If null is specified as value, the property is removed.
      aKey - the keyword by which the request is known (e.g., "accept").
      aValue - the value associated with it.
      See Also: