Class ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder extends Object
A decoder for WCS GetCoverage responses which decodes a response as an ILcdModel which contains a single ALcdBasicImage, ALcdMultilevelImage, ALcdImageMosaic or ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic. A typical implementation should rely on ILcdModelDecoder.

Example for GeoTIFF:

 // Create an input stream factory for the decoder
 ILcdInputStreamFactory inputStreamFactory = new ILcdInputStreamFactory() {
  public InputStream createInputStream(String aSource) throws IOException {
    return new FilterInputStream(aContent) {
      public void close() {
        // Do nothing. It's not our responsibility to close the input stream.
 TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder decoder = new TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder();
 return decoder.decode("Anonymous");

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder

      public ALcdWCSCoverageDecoder()
  • Method Details

    • canDecodeCoverage

      public abstract boolean canDecodeCoverage(String aOutputFormat)
      Checks whether or not this decoder can decode a GetCoverage response in the given output format. The check must be quick and may be optimistic: implementations must return true when they probably can decode a response in the given output format. When they return false, they most definitely can't decode the given output format. 'true' has the semantics of 'probably', while 'false' really means 'no'. When this method returns true, a subsequent invocation of decodeCoverage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSGetCoverageRequest) may yet throw an IOException to indicate that this decoder couldn't decode the coverage response after all.
      aOutputFormat - the requested output format, never null.
      true if this decoder can probably decode a GetCoverage response in the given output format, false when it most definitely can't.
    • decodeCoverage

      public abstract ILcdModel decodeCoverage(String aOutputFormat, String aContentType, InputStream aContent, TLcdWCSGetCoverageRequest aRequest) throws IOException
      Decodes a GetCoverage response as an ILcdModel. The model must support the imaging API, which means that it should either contain an element which is or has an ALcdImage.

      An element is an ALcdImage if it is an ALcdBasicImage, ALcdMultilevelImage, ALcdImageMosaic or ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic.

      An element has an ALcdImage if it is an ILcdDataObject with an ALcdImage as geometry property, as defined by a data type with a TLcdHasGeometryAnnotation in its data model.

      If the model has multiple elements, only the first one will be considered. If the element is or has a ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic, only the first level will be cosid

      aOutputFormat - the requested output format, never null
      aContentType - the content type (MIME type) of the GetCoverage response, possibly null
      aContent - the GetCoverage response content as a stream, never null
      aRequest - the request, never null
      the decoded coverage response as a model which contains an ALcdBasicImage, ALcdMultilevelImage, ALcdImageMosaic or ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic
      IOException - if this decoder couldn't decode the content