Class ALcdBasicImage

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class ALcdBasicImage extends ALcdImage
A basic image is a an ALcdImage consisting of a uniform matrix of pixels. The image is tiled where each tile has the same size and resolution. Note that the image data is not necessarily in-memory and each tile can be loaded lazily. However, there should be no missing tiles.

A basic image is defined by its width and height in pixels as defined in its ALcdBasicImage.Configuration. The number of tiles in each dimension and the resolution of each tile can be obtained from the ALcdBasicImage.Configuration as well.

Basic images are the building block to construct more complex images, such as ALcdMultilevelImage which consists of multiple levels of basic images, ALcdImageMosaic which is a mosaic where each tile is a single basic image, and ALcdMultilevelImageMosaic, where each level is a mosaic consisting of multiple basic images.

Extracting the data from a basic image should be done through an ALcdImagingEngine. Consider the image's tiling structure when doing so to obtain optimal performance. Pixels use the AWT coordinate convention: the origin is in the upper left corner. The geographic location of the pixels depends on the sampling mode:

  • ELcdImageSamplingMode.AREA: pixel (i,j) is centered at
         x = bounds_left_x + (i + 0.5) * bounds_width / width;
         y = bounds_upper_y - (j + 0.5) * bounds_height / height;
  • ELcdImageSamplingMode.POINT: pixel (i,j) is at
         x = bounds_left_x + i * bounds_width / (width - 1);
         y = bounds_upper_y - j * bounds_height / (height - 1);
  • Note that width/height height is the width/height in pixels while bounds_width/bounds_height is the width/height in geographic coordinates.

The following image shows a 4x4 area-sampled basic image. The pixel (0,0) is in the upper-left corner.

A basic image

You can obtain a basic image from one of the model decoders or using one of the available builders:

  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataType BASIC_IMAGE_DATA_TYPE
      Data type for basic images, used by ALcdImageOperator to represent input images.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdBasicImage

      protected ALcdBasicImage()
      This class is not intended to be implemented by users.
  • Method Details