Class TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdGenericExpression, ILcdOGCCondition, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public final class TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator extends TLcdDataObject implements ILcdOGCCondition
Filter 2.0 condition for temporal filtering.

You can use TLcdOGCFilterFactory.temporal(com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCPropertyName, java.util.Date, javax.xml.namespace.QName) to easily create a temporal condition.

Note: serializing this operator to 1.1 OGC Filter XML (for example to SLD or WFS 1.x) will fail.

For a detailed description of the temporal operators see ISO 19108:2002,

This operator supports the following time representations:

For time periods the following types are allowed: When encoding to XML, the types above are always translated into either a TLcdGML32TimePeriod or TLcdGML32TimePosition, according to specification.

When an unsupported type is used, the evaluation of this operator will always return false.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final QName
    The time associated with the property lies fully after the time associated with the expression.
    static final QName
    Any interaction between the property and expression time.
    static final QName
    The time associated with the property lies fully before the time associated with the expression.
    static final QName
    The begin time of the property is equal to the begin time of the expression and the end time of the property is in the expression time period.
    static final QName
    The begin time the property is equal to the begin time of the expression.
    static final QName
    The property time must be between the begin and end time of the expression time period.
    static final QName
    The end time of the property is equal to the end time of the expression and the begin time of the property is before the expression begin time.
    static final QName
    The begin time of the property is after the begin time of the expression and the end times are equal.
    static final QName
    The end time of the property is equal to the expression begin time.
    static final QName
    The begin time of the property is equal to the end time of the expression.
    static final QName
    The begin time of the property is in the expression time period and the end time of the property is after the end time of the expression.
    static final QName
    The expression time is fully contained in the property time period.
    static final QName
    The property and expression time are equal.
    static final QName
    The begin time of the property is before the begin time of the expression and the end time of the property is in the expression time period.
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a new, empty operator.
    TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator(TLcdOGCPropertyName aPropertyName, QName aType, Object aExpression)
    Creates a new operator.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the expression to be considered in the temporal relationship.
    Gets the property name that identifies the time property to be considered in the temporal relationship.
    Returns the value of the property that holds the type of this instance.
    setExpression(Object aExpression)
    Sets the expression to be considered in the temporal relationship.
    Sets the property name that identifies the time property to be considered in the temporal relationship.
    setType(QName aValue)
    Sets the value of the property that holds the type of this instance.

    Methods inherited from class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataObject

    clone, clone, getDataType, getValue, getValue, hasValue, hasValue, setValue, setValue

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • ENDED_BY

      public static final QName ENDED_BY
      The end time of the property is equal to the end time of the expression and the begin time of the property is before the expression begin time. The property must be a time period.
    • BEFORE

      public static final QName BEFORE
      The time associated with the property lies fully before the time associated with the expression.
    • AFTER

      public static final QName AFTER
      The time associated with the property lies fully after the time associated with the expression.
    • BEGUN_BY

      public static final QName BEGUN_BY
      The begin time the property is equal to the begin time of the expression. The expression must be a time period.

      public static final QName OVERLAPPED_BY
      The begin time of the property is in the expression time period and the end time of the property is after the end time of the expression. The property and expression must both be a time period to use this operator.
    • T_EQUALS

      public static final QName T_EQUALS
      The property and expression time are equal.

      public static final QName ANY_INTERACTS
      Any interaction between the property and expression time.
    • MEETS

      public static final QName MEETS
      The end time of the property is equal to the expression begin time. Both the property and expression must be a time period.
    • MET_BY

      public static final QName MET_BY
      The begin time of the property is equal to the end time of the expression. Both the property and expression must be a time period.
    • ENDS

      public static final QName ENDS
      The begin time of the property is after the begin time of the expression and the end times are equal. Both the property and expression must be a time period.

      public static final QName T_OVERLAPS
      The begin time of the property is before the begin time of the expression and the end time of the property is in the expression time period. Both the property and expression must be a time period.

      public static final QName T_CONTAINS
      The expression time is fully contained in the property time period. The property must be a time period.
    • BEGINS

      public static final QName BEGINS
      The begin time of the property is equal to the begin time of the expression and the end time of the property is in the expression time period. The expression must be a time period.
    • DURING

      public static final QName DURING
      The property time must be between the begin and end time of the expression time period. The expression must be a time period.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPropertyName

      public ILcdOGCExpression getPropertyName()
      Gets the property name that identifies the time property to be considered in the temporal relationship.
      the property name that identifies the time property to be considered in the temporal relationship.
    • setPropertyName

      public void setPropertyName(TLcdOGCPropertyName aPropertyName)
      Sets the property name that identifies the time property to be considered in the temporal relationship.
      aPropertyName - the property name that identifies the time property to be considered in the temporal relationship.
    • getExpression

      public Object getExpression()
      Gets the expression to be considered in the temporal relationship.

      For the possible types of this expression, see class javadoc/

      the expression to consider in the temporal relationship
    • setExpression

      public void setExpression(Object aExpression)
      Sets the expression to be considered in the temporal relationship.

      For the possible types of this expression, see class javadoc/

      aExpression - expression to be considered in the temporal relationship
    • getType

      public QName getType()
      Returns the value of the property that holds the type of this instance.

      The possible values for this property are the public QName constants defined in this class.

      the type of comparison.
    • setType

      public void setType(QName aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that holds the type of this instance.

      The possible values for this property are the public QName constants defined in this class.

      aValue - the value to set.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class TLcdDataObject