Class TLcdDataModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ALcdASDIModelDescriptor, ALcdMagneticNorthModelDescriptor, TLcdAIXM51ModelDescriptor, TLcdAreaMinimumAltitudeModelDescriptor, TLcdFinalApproachPathModelDescriptor, TLcdGeoJsonModelDescriptor, TLcdGMLModelDescriptor, TLcdKML22ModelDescriptor, TLcdMinimumSectorAltitudeModelDescriptor, TLcdNVGModelDescriptor, TLcdPanoramaModelDescriptor, TLcdS57LevelModelDescriptor, TLcdSIGWXModelDescriptor

public class TLcdDataModelDescriptor extends TLcdModelDescriptor implements ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDataModelDescriptor
Default implementation of ILcdDataModelDescriptor. This class also implements ILcdAnnotatedElement to make it easily extensible.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDataModelDescriptor

      @Deprecated public TLcdDataModelDescriptor(TLcdDataModel aDataModel)
      Constructs a new TLcdDataModelDescriptor with default source name, type name, and display name. The model types and model element types are null.
      aDataModel - the data model for this descriptor
    • TLcdDataModelDescriptor

      @Deprecated public TLcdDataModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aTypeName, String aDisplayName, TLcdDataModel aDataModel)
      Constructs a new TLcdDataModelDescriptor with the given source name, type name, display name and data model. The model types and model element types are null.
      aSourceName - the name of the data source.
      aTypeName - the type name of the data source.
      aDisplayName - the display name of the data source.
      aDataModel - the data model of the data source
    • TLcdDataModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDataModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aTypeName, String aDisplayName, TLcdDataModel aDataModel, Collection<TLcdDataType> aModelElementTypes, Collection<TLcdDataType> aModelTypes)
      Constructs a new TLcdDataModelDescriptor with the given arguments.
      aSourceName - the name of the data source.
      aTypeName - the type name of the data source.
      aDisplayName - the display name of the data source.
      aDataModel - the data model of the data source
      aModelElementTypes - a collection containing all the data types of which instances can be elements in the model associated with this descriptor. Typically this is only a single type. It is not recommended to mix multiple element types in the same model, as any code dealing with that model will need code paths for each of those element types instead of a single code path. If you pass null, the data model declared types are used.
      aModelTypes - a collection containing all types which are used within the model (both model element types and other types which are nested more deeply within the model data structure). If you pass null, the data model types are used.
    • TLcdDataModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDataModelDescriptor(TLcdDataModel aDataModel, Collection<TLcdDataType> aModelElementTypes, Collection<TLcdDataType> aModelTypes)
      Constructs a new TLcdDataModelDescriptor with the given arguments and default source name, type name and display name. The values of aDataModel.getName() and aDataModel.getDisplayName() are used as type name and display name of this model descriptor.
      aDataModel - the data model of the data source
      aModelElementTypes - a collection containing all the data types of which instances can be elements in the model associated with this descriptor. Typically this is only a single type. It is not recommended to mix multiple element types in the same model, as any code dealing with that model will need code paths for each of those element types instead of a single code path. If you pass null, the data model declared types are used.
      aModelTypes - a collection containing all types which are used within the model (both model element types and other types which are nested more deeply within the model data structure). If you pass null, the data model types are used.
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotation

      public <T extends ILcdAnnotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> aAnnotationClass)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAnnotatedElement

      Returns the element's annotation for the specified class if such an annotation is present, else null.

      Note that the exact annotation class needs to be passed as parameter. In other words, in case the element is only annotated with instances of subclasses of the given annotation class, null is returned.

      Specified by:
      getAnnotation in interface ILcdAnnotatedElement
      aAnnotationClass - - the Class object corresponding to the annotation type
      this element's annotation for the specified annotation class if present on this element, else null
    • getAnnotations

      public Collection<ILcdAnnotation> getAnnotations()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAnnotatedElement
      Returns all annotations present on this element as an unmodifiable collection.
      Specified by:
      getAnnotations in interface ILcdAnnotatedElement
      all annotations present on this element
    • isAnnotationPresent

      public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends ILcdAnnotation> aAnnotationClass)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAnnotatedElement

      Returns true if an annotation for the specified class is present on this element, else false. This method is designed primarily for convenient access to marker annotations.

      Note that the exact annotation class needs to be passed as parameter. In other words, in case the element is only annotated with instances of subclasses of the given annotation class, false is returned.

      Specified by:
      isAnnotationPresent in interface ILcdAnnotatedElement
      aAnnotationClass - the Class object corresponding to the annotation class
      true if an annotation for the specified annotation class is present on this element, else false
    • addAnnotation

      public <T extends ILcdAnnotation> T addAnnotation(ILcdAnnotation aAnnotation)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAnnotatedElement
      Adds the given annotation to this element.
      Specified by:
      addAnnotation in interface ILcdAnnotatedElement
      aAnnotation - the annotation to add
      the previous annotation of the same class as the given annotation associated with this element, or null if there was no annotation for that class.
    • removeAnnotation

      public <T extends ILcdAnnotation> T removeAnnotation(Class<T> aAnnotationClass)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdAnnotatedElement

      Removes the annotation of the given class from this element.

      Note that the exact annotation class needs to be passed as parameter. In other words, in case the element is only annotated with instances of subclasses of the given annotation class, nothing is removed and null is returned.

      Specified by:
      removeAnnotation in interface ILcdAnnotatedElement
      aAnnotationClass - the class of annotation to remove
      the annotation of the given class that was associated with this element, or null if there was no annotation for that class.
    • getDataModel

      public TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDataModelDescriptor

      Returns the data model that describes the elements of the model. Note that not necessarily all data in the model will be of a type of this data model. Very likely, types from the dependencies of the returned data model are used as well.

      In case the model accepts objects from multiple data models, an anonymous data model that depends on all these data models should be returned (see TLcdDataModelBuilder.createAnonymousDataModel(java.util.Collection)).

      Specified by:
      getDataModel in interface ILcdDataModelDescriptor
      the data model that describes the elements of the model
    • getModelElementTypes

      public Set<TLcdDataType> getModelElementTypes()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDataModelDescriptor

      Returns a set containing all the data types of which instances can be elements in the model associated with this descriptor. Implementations are free to limit the result to only include the types of which there are actually elements in the model; but they are not required to do so.

      Implementations should return null in case they don't know which element types are present in the model.

      For each element of the model associated with this model descriptor, the following holds true : getModelElementTypes().contains( element.getDataType() ).

      Specified by:
      getModelElementTypes in interface ILcdDataModelDescriptor
      a set containing all the data types of which instances can be elements in the model associated with this descriptor
    • getModelTypes

      public Set<TLcdDataType> getModelTypes()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDataModelDescriptor

      Returns a set containing all the types of which instances can be used (including both top-level elements and child objects) in the model associated with this descriptor. Implementations are free to limit the result to only include the types of which there are actually instances in the model; but they are not required to do so.

      A simple and correct implementation would be to return getDataModel().getTypes(). Implementations are encouraged to return a subset of this set if they can do so without spending an unreasonable amount of resources.

      Implementations should return null in case they don't know which types are present in the model.

      Specified by:
      getModelTypes in interface ILcdDataModelDescriptor
      a set containing all the data types of which instances can be used in the model associated with this descriptor