Interface ILcdIntegerIndexedModel

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ILcdDisposable, ILcdModel, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModel, TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode, TLcd2DRegularTiledBoundsIndexedModel, TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessage, TLcdASTERIXFilteredModel, TLcdDataObjectIndexedAnd2DBoundsIndexedModel, TLcdDataObjectIndexedVectorModel, TLcdFeatureIndexedAnd2DBoundsIndexedModel, TLcdFeatureIndexedVectorModel, TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection, TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection, TLcdGML31DynamicFeatureCollection, TLcdGML31FeatureCollection, TLcdGML31Model, TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection, TLcdGML32FeatureCollection, TLcdGML32Model, TLcdKML22AbstractContainer, TLcdKML22Document, TLcdKML22Folder, TLcdKML22Kml, TLcdMagneticNorthModel, TLcdModelTreeNode, TLcdMultilevel2DBoundsIndexedModel, TLcdNetCDFFilteredModel, TLcdNVG15Model, TLcdNVG20FilteredModel, TLcdNVG20Model, TLcdTrackModel, TLcdVectorModel

public interface ILcdIntegerIndexedModel extends ILcdModel
An ILcdModel whose elements can be retrieved via an integer-based index.
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size()
      Returns the number of elements in this model.
      the number of elements in this model.
    • elementAt

      Object elementAt(int aIndex)
      Returns the element at the specified index.
      aIndex - an index into this ILcdModel.
      the element at the specified index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid index was given (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= size()).
    • indexOf

      int indexOf(Object aElement)
      Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the model, or -1 if this model does not contain the element. More formally: returns the smallest i for which this.elementAt(i).equals(aElement).
      aElement - the element to search for.
      the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in model vector, or -1 if this model does not contain the element.