Package com.luciad.lucy.format.lightspeed

package com.luciad.lucy.format.lightspeed

Provides support facilities for adding visualization in a Lightspeed view for data formats. The classes in this package can be used in the implementation of an add-on to easily add Lightspeed visualization for a new format to Lucy.

Clients are expected to implement the basic functionality of the new format in a subclass of ALcyLspFormat and add several standard behaviors by wrapping it with the appropriate ALcyLspFormatWrapper subclasses. For instance, a wrapper is available that avoids layer of other formats are passed to the factories of a specific format (see TLcyLspSafeGuardFormatWrapper).

Depending on the kind of models you try to visualize, more specialized extensions of ALcyLspFormat are available, which provides out-of-the-box support for e.g. workspace support. An example of such a specialized extension is the TLcyLspVectorFormat, which provides visualization for vector formats. Consult the javadoc of the different ALcyLspFormat extensions in this package to discover which extension is best suited for your needs.

TLcyLspFormatTool can then be used to plug all the functionality of the ALcyLspFormat into the Lucy back-end.

The Lucy best practice sample illustrates how to add Lightspeed support for your own data format to Lucy. The developer guide contains more instructions and code pointers on how to use the classes of this package.
