Class TLcdAIXM51Curve

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdBounded, ILcdCompositeCurve, ILcdCurve, ILcdEditableCompositeCurve, ILcdShape, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, ILcdInvalidateable, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdAIXM51Curve extends TLcdGML32Curve
A class that represents an AIXM 5.1 curve.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the horizontalAccuracy element. The possible values for this property are instances of TLcdAIXM51ValDistance.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty ANNOTATION_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the annotation element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdAIXM51Property<TLcdAIXM51Note>>.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SEGMENTS_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the segments element. The possible values for this property are instances of TLcdGML32CurveSegmentArrayProperty.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdAIXM51Curve

      public TLcdAIXM51Curve()
      Constructs a curve.

      The model reference (or srsName) will be set to the default one for AIXM 5, which is: "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"

    • TLcdAIXM51Curve

      public TLcdAIXM51Curve(TLcdDataType aType)
      Constructs a curve of type aType. The type should be an extension of an AIXM 5.1 curve.

      The model reference (or srsName) will be set to the default one for AIXM 5, which is: "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"

      aType - The data type of the curve
      See Also:
    • TLcdAIXM51Curve

      public TLcdAIXM51Curve(ILcdModelReference aSrs)
      Constructs a curve and initializes its model reference (srs).
      aSrs - the model reference for this object
      See Also:
    • TLcdAIXM51Curve

      public TLcdAIXM51Curve(TLcdDataType aType, ILcdModelReference aSrs)
      Constructs a curve of type aType and initializes its model reference with aSrs. The type should be an extension of an AIXM 5.1 curve.
      aType - The data type of the curve
      aSrs - the model reference for this object
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHorizontalAccuracy

      public TLcdAIXM51ValDistance getHorizontalAccuracy()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the horizontalAccuracy element.

      The difference between the recorded horizontal coordinates of a feature and its true position referenced to the same geodetic datum expressed as a circular error at 95 percent probability.

      the value of the HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY_PROPERTY property.
    • setHorizontalAccuracy

      public void setHorizontalAccuracy(TLcdAIXM51ValDistance aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the horizontalAccuracy element.

      The difference between the recorded horizontal coordinates of a feature and its true position referenced to the same geodetic datum expressed as a circular error at 95 percent probability.

      aValue - the value to set for the HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY_PROPERTY property.
    • getAnnotation

      public List<TLcdAIXM51Note> getAnnotation()
      Gets the value of the ANNOTATION_PROPERTY property adapted to a list of TLcdAIXM51Note instances.
      the value of the ANNOTATION_PROPERTY property adapted to a list of TLcdAIXM51Note instances.
      See Also:
    • getSegments

      public List<TLcdGML32AbstractCurveSegment> getSegments()
      Returns the role value contained in the value of the SEGMENTS_PROPERTY property. Returns null if the value of the SEGMENTS_PROPERTY property is null.

      This property element contains a list of curve segments. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.

      the role value of the SEGMENTS_PROPERTY property.
      See Also:
    • setSegments

      public void setSegments(List<TLcdGML32AbstractCurveSegment> aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the segments element. to a new instance of the association class TLcdGML32CurveSegmentArrayProperty initialized with the given role value. In case the given role value is null, the SEGMENTS_PROPERTY property is set to null.

      This property element contains a list of curve segments. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array.

      aValue - the role value to set for the SEGMENTS_PROPERTY property.