Class TLcdEarthGXYSinglevaluedRasterPainter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdCloneable, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ILcdStatusSource, ILcdGXYPainter, ILcdGXYPainterProvider, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdEarthGXYSinglevaluedRasterPainter extends TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
This ILcdGXYPainter can paint the scalar data of ILcdEarthTileSet instances in a 2D view.

This painter has been replaced by TLcdGXYImagePainter. Please consider using it instead of this one.

Supported objects

This painter can visualize any ILcdEarthTileSet that can produce tiles with a TLcdEarthMultivaluedData as the tile data. Note that only the first parameter of this data is visualized. The first such coverage in the tileset will be used (see TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter.chooseTileSetCoverage(


To visualize the scalar data, each value is first converted to a short which is then mapped to a color using the color model. No color model is set by default.

By default the tile level is chosen such that 4 pixels in the view map to at least one value, if possible. This avoids most pixelation effects (e.g. that individual pixels are visible). To achieve this a tile level is chosen with a higher pixel density than the view. This behavior can be changed by either setting the quality or by overriding the TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter.chooseTileSetLevel(java.awt.Graphics, int, com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYContext, com.luciad.shape.ILcdBounds) method.

If some tiles are not available, the tiles at lower levels will be used automatically to avoid gaps.

If required this painter will warp the data between different coordinate systems, otherwise it will just paint their linearly scaled images.

The bounds of the tile set will be painted instead of the tiles if the pixel density of the least detailed level is too high. There is no limit on the pixel density by default so the bounds of a tile set will never be painted unless the start resolution factor is set to a lower value. Typically this is fine for tile sets that cover the entire world but it may be necessary to lower the start resolution factor if there are multiple smaller tile sets in a view.

Incremental visualization

If the tileset supports asynchronous tile production, the visualization can be done incrementally. This means that the tiles will be requested asynchronously and the view will be repainted as the tiles become available. To enable this the ALcdEarthGXYPainter.isAsynchronousTileRequestAllowed() and ALcdEarthGXYPainter.isRepaintViewWhenTileAvailable() should be set to true (default).


By default only the tiles necessary for the view will be cached using hard references (see TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter.setCacheSize(int)). Other tiles will also be cached if there is enough memory (see TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter.isSoftCachingEnabled()). Tiles that reside in either of these caches will be updated automatically every minute (see TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter.getUpdateInterval()). You can use the TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter.updateTiles(com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYView) method to update all tiles that are currently cached immediately.

Performance considerations

  • To achieve optimal performance the reference of the tileset and the world reference should match. If this is not the case the raster data will need to be warped on-the-fly.
  • When incremental visualization is enabled other layers may also be repainted more frequently. This could result in reduced performance if this takes too much time.
  • When incremental visualization is enabled in combination with asynchronous painting it may sometimes take a significant amount of time before a paint is completed. More specifically this situation occurs if the painting is interrupted before it can finish due to a repaint for tile that has just become available. To avoid this you can disable the interruption of paints (see TLcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueue.setInterruptPainting(boolean))
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultValue

      public int getDefaultValue()
      Gets the value in the color model that is used for unknown values.

      The initial default value is 0.

      the color model value used for unknown values
      See Also:
    • setDefaultValue

      public void setDefaultValue(int aDefaultValue)
      Sets the value in the color model that is used for unknown values. Only the first lower 16 bits of the specified value are used.
      aDefaultValue - the default value
      See Also:
    • setValueRange

      public void setValueRange(int aMin, int aMax)
      Sets the range of values in the color model that is used for valid values. Only the first lower 16 bits of the specified value are used.
      aMin - the inclusive lower bound
      aMax - the inclusive upper bound
      See Also:
    • getValueRange

      public int[] getValueRange()
      Gets the range of values in the color model that is used for valid values. When converting model values to the color model, the converted values will be bounded by this range.
      the inclusive lower and upper bounds
    • setQuality

      public void setQuality(double aQuality)
      The default value is 0.25.
      setQuality in class TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
      aQuality - the new quality
    • isValidCoverage

      protected boolean isValidCoverage(ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage aCoverage)
      Returns whether the given coverage can be drawn by this painter. The returned coverage should support a format that can be handled by createRasterTile(

      The default implementation returns true if the coverage implements ILcdEarthRasterTileSetCoverage, and the tileset supports a format with TLcdEarthMultivaluedData as format class and no format name with the specified coverage.

      isValidCoverage in class TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
      aCoverage - the candidate coverage
      true if the given coverage can be painted
      See Also:
    • chooseTileFormat

      protected TLcdEarthTileFormat chooseTileFormat(ILcdEarthTileSet aTileSet, ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage aCoverage)
      Chooses a tile format from the given tileset and coverage to be used for producing tiles. The format should be supported by createRasterTile(

      The default implementation returns a format with TLcdEarthMultivaluedData as format class and no format name.

      chooseTileFormat in class TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
      aTileSet - the tileset whose tiles are being painted
      aCoverage - the coverage whose tiles are being painted.
      the format in which tiles should be obtained
    • createRasterTile

      protected ILcdTile createRasterTile(ALcdEarthTile aTile)
      Creates an ILcdTile corresponding to the specified ALcdEarthTile. The resulting raster tile is used in order to draw the output of a tileset using TLcdRasterPainter.

      The default implementation can only create a tile for tiles with a TLcdEarthMultivaluedData as tile data. Each value in the first dimension of this data is converted to a short using convertToShort(double).

      createRasterTile in class TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
      aTile - the tile to convert into a raster tile
      a raster tile
    • getValueToShortOffset

      public double getValueToShortOffset()
      Returns the offset that is applied to the values when they are converted to shorts.

      The default value is 0.

      the offset
      See Also:
    • setValueToShortOffset

      public void setValueToShortOffset(double aOffset)
      Sets the offset that is applied to the values when they are converted to shorts.
      aOffset - the offset
      See Also:
    • getValueToShortScale

      public double getValueToShortScale()
      Returns the scale that is applied to the values when they are converted to shorts.

      The default value is 1.

      the scale
      See Also:
    • setValueToShortScale

      public void setValueToShortScale(double aScale)
      Sets the scale that is applied to the values when they are converted to shorts.
      aScale - the scale
      See Also:
    • convertToShort

      protected short convertToShort(double aValue)
      Converts a native value to a short. The default implementation returns the default value if the given value is Double.NaN. Otherwise the given value is first transformed
       transformedValue = offset + value * scale;
      and then rounded to the nearest integer value and clamped the result to the valid range of a short.

      Typically the offset and scale are chosen in such a way that they map the expected value range to the range of a short minus one (ex. [Short.MIN_VALUE,Short.MAX_VALUE - 1]). This last value can then be used as the default value.

      aValue - a value
      A short representing the value
      See Also:
    • getEmptyTile

      protected ILcdTile getEmptyTile()
      Description copied from class: TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
      Returns a representative empty tile for this painter. For example, the tile's default value may be used when painting missing data.
      getEmptyTile in class TLcdEarthGXYRasterPainter
      an empty tile.