Class ALcdEarthTile

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdBounded, ILcdCache
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALcdEarthTile extends Object implements ILcdBounded, ILcdCache
Base class for tiles produced by an ILcdEarthTileSet.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdEarthTile

      public ALcdEarthTile()
  • Method Details

    • getTileX

      public abstract long getTileX()
      Returns the tile's column index.
      the tile's column index
    • getTileY

      public abstract long getTileY()
      Returns the tile's row index.
      the tile's row index
    • getLevel

      public abstract int getLevel()
      Returns the detail level to which this tile belongs.
      the detail level to which this tile belongs
    • getTileSetCoverage

      public abstract ILcdEarthTileSetCoverage getTileSetCoverage()
      Returns the coverage to which this tile belongs.
      the coverage to which this tile belongs
    • getGeoReference

      public abstract ILcdGeoReference getGeoReference()
      Returns the georeference of the tile's data. This is not necessarily equal to the coverage's native georeference.
      the georeference of tile's data
    • getDataFormat

      public abstract TLcdEarthTileFormat getDataFormat()
      Returns the tile data's format. This format describes the return type of getData().
      a TLcdEarthTileFormat.
    • getData

      public abstract Object getData()
      Returns the tile's data. The type of this data can be retrieved using the getDataFormat() method.
      the tile's data
    • isComplete

      public abstract boolean isComplete()
      If false, this tile represents a partially loaded chunk of data. The tileset will invoke its callback one or more additional times for the same tile until the tile is completely produced, at which point this method will return true. This mechanism can be used to support progressive streaming of terrain data.
      true if the tile is complete
    • getCompleteness

      public abstract float getCompleteness()
      Returns the tile's completeness, that is the progress level to reach the complete status. The returned value is in the range [0,1], where 1 = complete. Note: this method should return 1 when the isComplete method returns true and vice-versa. This mechanism can be used to support progressive streaming of terrain data.
      a float value in the range [0,1], representing the tile's completeness.
    • getCreationDate

      public abstract Date getCreationDate()
      Returns the date the tile and its data were created. This can be used to check whether the tile is outdated.
      creation date of the tile
    • getMinimalTile

      public ALcdEarthTile getMinimalTile()
      Returns a tile with the minimal amount of data needed to check if updated versions of this tile are available. This method exists because in many cases, the tile's actual data is not needed to be able to check for an update. More often, some metadata such as a timestamp will be used for this purpose instead, meaning that it might not be necessary to keep the tile's data in memory.

      The following restrictions apply:

      • This method should return the same minimal tile when invoked multiple times on a tile.
      • This method should return the tile itself when invoked on a minimal tile.
      • All methods of a minimal tile must return the same value as the original tile, except for getData().

      The default implementation returns this tile unmodified.

      a tile with the minimal data necessary to allow checking for updates