Class TLcdEarthTerrainTileVertexArray

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdEarthTerrainTileVertexArray extends TLcdEarthVertexArray
An extension of TLcdEarthVertexArray intended to store 3D terrain geometry tiles. It is assumed that the array will contain a square grid of vertices, with the size of this square defined by getTileWidth(). Optionally, the array may also contain "curtains", which are downwardly extruded copies of the outer edges of the tile (these are used to mask the gaps that appear between adjacent tiles of different resolutions). A terrain tile of width N will contain NxN vertices if no curtains are present, or NxN + 4xN if curtains are present.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isHasCurtains

      public boolean isHasCurtains()
      Returns whether this vertex array has curtains.

      Curtains are downwardly extruded copies of the outer edges of the tile. They are used to mask the gaps that appear between adjacent tiles of different resolutions.

      whether this vertex array has curtains
    • setHasCurtains

      public void setHasCurtains(boolean aHasCurtains)
      Sets whether this vertex array has curtains.
      aHasCurtains - whether this vertex array has curtains.
      See Also:
    • getTileWidth

      public int getTileWidth()
      Returns the width of the vertex grid.
      the width of the vertex grid.
    • setTileWidth

      public void setTileWidth(int aTileWidth)
      Sets the width of the vertex grid.
      aTileWidth - the width of the vertex grid.
    • getVertexElevationsValid

      public BitSet getVertexElevationsValid()
      Returns the bit set with a boolean indicating the validity of the elevation for each vertex.

      If there is no valid elevation available it is still necessary to have valid geometry in order to allow draping textures on top. In such a case a default elevation value is used for the vertex. This method can be used to check whether a vertex actually has a valid elevation value or has such a default value.

      the bit set with elevation validity for each vertex or null
    • setVertexElevationsValid

      public void setVertexElevationsValid(BitSet aVertexElevationsValid)
      Returns the bit set with elevation validity for each vertex.
      aVertexElevationsValid - the bit set with elevation validity for each vertex or null
    • isVertexElevationValid

      public boolean isVertexElevationValid(int aVertexIndex)
      Returns whether the elevation for the specified vertex is valid.

      If there is no valid elevation available it is still necessary to have valid geometry in order to allow draping textures on top. In such a case a default elevation value is used for the vertex. This method can be used to check whether a vertex actually has a valid elevation value or has such a default value.

      This method returns true if getVertexElevationsValid() is null .

      aVertexIndex - the index of the vertex in [0, getTileWidth()2[
      whether the elevation for the specified vertex is valid.
    • setVertexElevationValid

      public void setVertexElevationValid(int aVertexIndex, boolean aValid)
      Sets whether the elevation for the specified vertex is valid.
      aVertexIndex - the index of the vertex in [0, getTileWidth()2[
      aValid - whether the elevation for the specified vertex is valid.
      See Also: