Class TLspShapeEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLspShapeEditor extends TLspCompositeEditor
This editor is a composite editor that delegates to all other editors in this package. It is able to edit most default shapes available in LuciadLightspeed:

Adding editors is equivalent to adding editors to the composite editor. Newly added editors will supersede existing editors in case both return true for the canEdit method.

Any new editor that is added will automatically have support for shapelists and extruded shapes. These have been configured to have the shape editor as their delegate. In other words: Shapelists and extruded shapes will properly be unpacked and given back to the shape editor itself.

  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_Z
      Initial minimal and maximal Z value of 10000 for creation of extruded shapes.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLspShapeEditor

      public TLspShapeEditor()
      Creates a new shape editor.
  • Method Details

    • addEditor

      public void addEditor(ILspEditor aEditor)
      Description copied from class: TLspCompositeEditor
      Adds the given editor to the list of editors.
      addEditor in class TLspCompositeEditor
      aEditor - the editor to add
    • getInitialZValue

      public double getInitialZValue()
      Gets the initial minimal and maximal Z value for creation of extruded shapes.
      the initial minimal and maximal Z value to which newly created extruded shapes are initialized
    • setInitialZValue

      public void setInitialZValue(double aInitialZValue)
      Sets the initial minimal and maximal Z value for creation of extruded shapes.
      aInitialZValue - the initial minimal and maximal Z value to which newly created extruded shapes are initialized
    • getCompositeCurveCreateModel

      public ALspCreateEditorModel<ILcdCurve> getCompositeCurveCreateModel()
      Gets the sub-shape create model to be used with composite curve creation. This create model is used when constructing composite curves.

      By default this will be a TLspCreateCurveEditorModel

      the subshape create model
    • setCompositeCurveCreateModel

      public void setCompositeCurveCreateModel(ALspCreateEditorModel<ILcdCurve> aShapeCreateEditorModel)
      Sets the sub-shape create model to be used with composite shape creation. This create model is used when constructing composite curves. This model is called for each new composite sub shape that needs to be created.
      aShapeCreateEditorModel - the subshape create model
    • getCreationMode

      public ELspCreationMode getCreationMode()
      Returns how the default delegate editors behave during creation.
      the creation mode of the default delegate editors
    • setCreationMode

      public void setCreationMode(ELspCreationMode aCreationMode)
      Sets how the default delegate editors behaves during creation. Other editors added by addEditor(ILspEditor) will not be affected.
      aCreationMode - the creation mode to be set on the default delegate editors