Class TLcdListEvent<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdListEvent<T> extends TLcdCollectionEvent<T>
An event describing a change in an ILcdList
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdListEvent

      public TLcdListEvent(ILcdList<T> aList, TLcdCollectionEvent.Type aType, T aElement, int aOldIndex, int aNewIndex, boolean aIsAdjusting)
      Create a new event describing a change in aList
      aList - The list in which the change occured.
      aType - The type describing the nature of change.
      aElement - The element which caused the change.
      aOldIndex - The index of the element in the list before the change, or -1 if the list did not contain the element before the change.
      aNewIndex - The index of the element in the list after the change, or -1 if the list no longer contains the element after the change
      aIsAdjusting - true if more changes will be made to the collection after this change, false otherwise
  • Method Details

    • getOldIndex

      public int getOldIndex()
      Returns the index of the element in the list before the change occurred, or -1 when the list did not contain the element before the change occurred.
      The index of the element in the list before the change.
    • getNewIndex

      public int getNewIndex()
      Returns the index of the element in the list after the change, or -1 when the list no longer contains the element after the change.
      The index of the element in the list after the change.
    • getSource

      public ILcdList<T> getSource()
      getSource in class TLcdCollectionEvent<T>