Class TLcdXYZFloatPoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdBounded, ILcdBounds, ILcdPoint, ILcdPointList, ILcdPolypoint, ILcdShape, ILcd2DEditablePoint, ILcd2DEditableShape, ILcd3DEditablePoint, ILcd3DEditableShape, ILcdCloneable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdXYZFloatPoint extends ALcd3DEditablePoint implements ILcd3DEditablePoint
This class provides an implementation of ILcd3DEditablePoint in the cartesian space, but internally using floats instead of doubles.

This class is thread-safe for concurrent read-only access of its contents. For read-write access, external locking must be used. Such locking is typically done at the model level.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdXYZFloatPoint

      public TLcdXYZFloatPoint()
      Constructs and initializes a new TLcdXYFloatPoint initialized with (0, 0).
    • TLcdXYZFloatPoint

      public TLcdXYZFloatPoint(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Constructs and initializes a new TLcdXYFloatPoint with the same location as the specified ILcdPoint.
      aPoint - the point.
    • TLcdXYZFloatPoint

      public TLcdXYZFloatPoint(double aX, double aY, double aZ)
      Constructs and initializes a new TLcdXYFloatPoint with the specified x and y coordinates.
      aX - the x coordinate.
      aY - the y coordinate.
  • Method Details

    • move2D

      public void move2D(double aX, double aY)
      Changes the point to have the specified location.
      Specified by:
      move2D in interface ILcd2DEditableShape
      move2D in class ALcd3DEditablePoint
      aX - the x coordinate of the new location.
      aY - the y coordinate of the new location.
    • move3D

      public void move3D(double aX, double aY, double aZ)
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DEditableShape
      Moves this ILcd3DEditableShape to the given point in the 3D space. The focus point is used as the handle by which the shape is moved.
      Specified by:
      move3D in interface ILcd3DEditableShape
      aX - the x coordinate of the point.
      aY - the y coordinate of the point.
      aZ - the z coordinate of the point.
    • getX

      public final double getX()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPoint
      Returns the x coordinate of this ILcdPoint.
      Specified by:
      getX in interface ILcdPoint
      the x coordinate of this ILcdPoint.
    • getY

      public final double getY()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPoint
      Returns the y coordinate of this ILcdPoint.
      Specified by:
      getY in interface ILcdPoint
      the y coordinate of this ILcdPoint.
    • getZ

      public final double getZ()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPoint
      Returns the z coordinate of this ILcdPoint.
      Specified by:
      getZ in interface ILcdPoint
      getZ in class ALcd2DEditablePoint
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class ALcd3DEditablePoint
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Description copied from class: ALcdShape
      Creates and returns a copy of this object, by delegating to Object.clone(). Extensions should delegate to this implementation with super.clone(), in order to create an object instance of the right type, with all fields copied. They then should explicitly clone any non-primitive fields for which a deeper clone is required.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdCloneable
      clone in class ALcdShape
      See Also:
    • cloneAs2DEditablePoint

      public ILcd2DEditablePoint cloneAs2DEditablePoint()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPoint
      Returns a copy of this ILcdPoint that is also an ILcd2DEditablePoint. This makes sure that the first two dimensions of the copy are writable,
      Specified by:
      cloneAs2DEditablePoint in interface ILcdPoint
      a copy of this ILcdPoint that is also an ILcd2DEditablePoint. This makes sure that the first two dimensions of the copy are writable, even if the original ILcdPoint object may be read-only.
      See Also:
    • cloneAs3DEditablePoint

      public ILcd3DEditablePoint cloneAs3DEditablePoint()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPoint
      Returns a copy of this ILcdPoint that is also an ILcd3DEditablePoint. This makes sure that all three dimensions of the copy are writable,
      Specified by:
      cloneAs3DEditablePoint in interface ILcdPoint
      a copy of this ILcdPoint that is also an ILcd3DEditablePoint. This makes sure that all three dimensions of the copy are writable, even if the original ILcdPoint object may be read-only.
      See Also:
    • cloneAs2DEditableBounds

      public ILcd2DEditableBounds cloneAs2DEditableBounds()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdBounds
      Returns a copy of this ILcdBounds object that is also an ILcd2DEditableBounds. This makes sure that the first two dimensions of the copy are writable, even if the original ILcdBounds object may be read-only.
      Specified by:
      cloneAs2DEditableBounds in interface ILcdBounds
      a copy of this ILcdBounds object that is also an ILcd2DEditableBounds. This makes sure that the first two dimensions of the copy are writable, even if the original ILcdBounds object may be read-only.
      See Also:
    • cloneAs3DEditableBounds

      public ILcd3DEditableBounds cloneAs3DEditableBounds()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdBounds
      Returns a copy of this ILcdBounds object that is also an ILcd3DEditableBounds. This makes sure that all three dimensions of the copy are writable, even if the original ILcdBounds object may be read-only.
      Specified by:
      cloneAs3DEditableBounds in interface ILcdBounds
      a copy of this ILcdBounds object that is also an ILcd3DEditableBounds. This makes sure that all three dimensions of the copy are writable, even if the original ILcdBounds object may be read-only.
      See Also: