Interface ILcdCompositeCurve

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdCurve, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAIXM51Curve, TLcdAIXM51ElevatedCurve, TLcdCompositeCurve, TLcdDWGCompositeCurve, TLcdDWGCompositeRing, TLcdGML31Arc, TLcdGML31ArcByBulge, TLcdGML31ArcString, TLcdGML31ArcStringByBulge, TLcdGML31Circle, TLcdGML31CompositeCurve, TLcdGML31Curve, TLcdGML31Ring, TLcdGML32Arc, TLcdGML32ArcByBulge, TLcdGML32ArcString, TLcdGML32ArcStringByBulge, TLcdGML32Circle, TLcdGML32CompositeCurve, TLcdGML32Curve, TLcdGML32Ring, TLcdLonLatCompositeRing, TLcdRoundedPolygon, TLcdRoundedPolyline, TLcdXYCompositeRing

public interface ILcdCompositeCurve extends ILcdCurve
A curve that is a connected sequence of other curves. Note that this interface does not enforce the continuity of the composite curve it defines. Rather, it is the responsibility of the instance (e.g. ILcdGXYEditor) that creates or manipulates the composite curves, to ensure that all curves are properly connected to one another.
  • Method Details

    • getStartPoint

      ILcdPoint getStartPoint()
      Retrieves the start point of the curve. This is equivalent with calling ILcdCurve.computePointSFCT(double, com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditablePoint) with parameter value 0.

      In case of an empty composite curve, null is returned.

      Specified by:
      getStartPoint in interface ILcdCurve
      the start point of the curve
    • getEndPoint

      ILcdPoint getEndPoint()
      Retrieves the end point of the curve. This is equivalent with calling ILcdCurve.computePointSFCT(double, com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ILcd3DEditablePoint) with parameter value 1.

      In case of an empty composite curve, null is returned.

      Specified by:
      getEndPoint in interface ILcdCurve
      the end point of the curve
    • getCurves

      List<ILcdCurve> getCurves()
      Returns a list with the curve's elements. Each sub-curve's end point, except for the last sub-curve, must coincide with the next sub-curve's start point.

      The returned list is not guaranteed to be editable. See ILcdEditableCompositeCurve for an editable variant of this interface.

      Note that this adding curves to the result of calling this method may throw a ClassCastException or IllegalArgumentException in case the class of the curve(s) to add is not compatible with the implementation of the composite curve. Implementations should specify in their documentation all restrictions that apply in this context.

      a list with the curve's elements
    • getInterpolation

      String getInterpolation()
      Returns the interpolation method used by this curve, which is ILcdCurve.INTERPOLATION_MIXED.
      Specified by:
      getInterpolation in interface ILcdCurve
      the interpolation method used by this curve, which is INTERPOLATION_MIXED.