Class ALcdProjection

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdProjection, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ALcdAzimuthal, ALcdConic, ALcdCylindrical, ALcdGeneralPerspective, ALcdObliqueCylindrical, ALcdPerspective, ALcdTransverseCylindrical, TLcdGeodetic, TLcdKrovak, TLcdOrthorectifiedProjection, TLcdPerspectiveProjection, TLcdPolarStereographic, TLcdPolyconic, TLcdRectifiedPolynomialProjection, TLcdRectifiedProjectiveProjection, TLcdRectifiedRationalProjection, TLcdRPCProjection

public abstract class ALcdProjection extends Object implements ILcdProjection, Cloneable
This abstract class can be used to implement an ILcdProjection.
See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • fPropertyChangeDispatcher Link icon

      protected TLcdPropertyChangeDispatcher fPropertyChangeDispatcher
      Dispatches property changes to the listeners.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ALcdProjection Link icon

      public ALcdProjection()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • addPropertyChangeListener Link icon

      public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aPropertyChangeListener)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPropertyChangeSource

      Registers the given PropertyChangeListener to be notified when this object's properties change.

      In case you need to register a listener which keeps a reference to an object with a shorter life-time than this change source, you can use a ALcdWeakPropertyChangeListener instance as property change listener.

      Specified by:
      addPropertyChangeListener in interface ILcdPropertyChangeSource
      aPropertyChangeListener - The listener to be notified
      See Also:
    • removePropertyChangeListener Link icon

      public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aPropertyChangeListener)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdPropertyChangeSource

      De-registers the given PropertyChangeListener from receiving property change events for this object.

      If the listener was added more than once, it will be notified one less time after being removed. If the listener is null, or was never added, no exception is thrown and no action is taken.

      Specified by:
      removePropertyChangeListener in interface ILcdPropertyChangeSource
      aPropertyChangeListener - the listener that should no longer be notified of changes of this object's properties
      See Also:
    • lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT Link icon

      public void lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT(ILcdPoint aLLHP, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint aXYPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Default implementation calls lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      lonlatheight2worldOnEllipsoidSFCT in interface ILcdProjection
      aLLHP - point to be projected.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the point is defined.
      aXYPointSFCT - projected point as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the ILcdPoint aLLHP is not within the valid area of the projection (visible area), then this exception is thrown.
    • world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT Link icon

      public void world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditablePoint aLLPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Default implementation calls world2lonlatOnSphereSFCT with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      world2lonlatOnEllipsoidSFCT in interface ILcdProjection
      aXYPoint - projected point for which the corresponding geodetic point is sought.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the geodetic coordinate is defined.
      aLLPointSFCT - resulting geodetic coordinate as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the ILcdPoint aXYPoint is not within the valid area of the projection (visible area), then this exception is thrown.
    • world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT Link icon

      public void world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcd2DEditableBounds aWorldBoundsSFCT)
      Default implementation calls world2lonlatOnSphereSFCT with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      world2DEditableBoundsOnEllipsoidSFCT in interface ILcdProjection
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid considered.
      aWorldBoundsSFCT - the bounds of the projection in world coordinates as side effect.
    • inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid Link icon

      public boolean inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid)
      Default implementation calls inWorldBoundsOnSphere with aEllipsoid.getAuxRadius() as sphere radius.
      Specified by:
      inWorldBoundsOnEllipsoid in interface ILcdProjection
      aXYPoint - point to be checked upon.
      aEllipsoid - ellipsoid on which the geodetic coordinate is defined.
      true if valid, false if invalid.
      See Also:
    • boundaryLons Link icon

      public double[][] boundaryLons(double aLatitude)
      Default implementation. To be redefined for specific projections.
      Specified by:
      boundaryLons in interface ILcdProjection
      aLatitude - latitude in decimal degrees and -90.0 <= aLat<= 90.0.
      the array of pairs of longitudes[0] and longitudes[1], where the closed interval longitudes[0] -> longitudes[1] is in visible area and -180.0 <= lon[i] <= 180.0.
    • boundaryLats Link icon

      public double[][] boundaryLats(double aLongitude)
      Default implementation. To be redefined for specific projections.
      Specified by:
      boundaryLats in interface ILcdProjection
      aLongitude - longitude in decimal degrees -180.0 <= lon <= 180.0 .
      the array of pairs of latitudes lats[0] and lats[1], where the closed interval lats[0] -> lats[1] is in visible area and -90.0 <= lats[i] <= 90.0 .
    • clone Link icon

      public Object clone()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdProjection
      Makes a deep clone of this ILcdProjection.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdProjection
      clone in class Object
      deep clone of this ILcdProjection.
    • firePropertyChangeEvent Link icon

      protected void firePropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent aPropertyChangeEvent)
      Calls all the PropertyChangeListener objects about the property change taken place.
      aPropertyChangeEvent - The property change that has taken place.