Class TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdModelEncoder, Serializable

public class TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder extends Object implements ILcdModelEncoder
Encodes ILcdDataObject-enabled ILcdModel instances to GML documents. This is similar to the export functionality provided by the GML encoders (such as e.g. TLcdGML32ModelEncoder), but it provides more fine-grained control of the used transformation.

This class is typically combined with TLcdGMLApplicationModelDecoder, which allows decoding GML documents back into the original data model.

The following snippet encodes a model to GML 3.2:

   ILcdModel myModel = ...;
   TLcdDataModel myDataModel = ...;
   TLcdGMLTransformer transformer = new TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder(myDataModel)
   TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder encoder = new TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder(transformer);
   encoder.export(myModel, "path/to/destinationFile.gml32");
The same transformer can be passed to TLcdGMLApplicationModelDecoder to decode the file again with the original data model.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder

      public TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder(TLcdGMLTransformer aTransformer)
      Constructs a new instance based on the given TLcdGMLTransformer and a new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder.
      aTransformer - the TLcdGMLTransformer to use to transform model elements into GML
    • TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder

      public TLcdGMLApplicationModelEncoder(TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder aEncoder, TLcdGMLTransformer aTransformer)
      Constructs a new instance. The given TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder is used to generate the GML documents. The given TLcdGMLTransformer is used to transform the source model elements into GML
      aEncoder - the encoder to use to generate GML documents
      aTransformer - the transformer to use to transform the source objects into GML
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelEncoder
      Returns a short, displayable name for the format this ILcdModelEncoder encodes to.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ILcdModelEncoder
      the displayable name of this ILcdModelEncoder.
    • canSave

      public boolean canSave(ILcdModel aModel)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelEncoder
      Returns whether this model encoder can save the specified model to the location it originally came from. Often this will only be a simple test, for example checking the type of the model's model descriptor.
      Specified by:
      canSave in interface ILcdModelEncoder
      aModel - the model to be verified.
      true if this encoder can save the model in the location where it originally came from, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • save

      public void save(ILcdModel aModel) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelEncoder
      Saves the model to the location where it originally came from.
      Specified by:
      save in interface ILcdModelEncoder
      aModel - the model to be saved.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the model cannot be saved by this encoder (!canSave(aModel)).
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs during encoding.
    • canExport

      public boolean canExport(ILcdModel aModel, String aDestinationName)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelEncoder
      Returns whether this encoder can export the specified model to the specified destination. This method will typically check whether the contents of the specified model are compatible with the format this encoder is written for.
      Specified by:
      canExport in interface ILcdModelEncoder
      aModel - the model to be verified.
      aDestinationName - the location where the model should be exported to.
      true if this encoder can export the specified model to the specified location, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • export

      public void export(ILcdModel aModel, String aDestinationName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelEncoder
      Exports the specified model to the specified destination.
      Specified by:
      export in interface ILcdModelEncoder
      aModel - the model to be exported.
      aDestinationName - the location where the model should be saved. Typically, this is a name for the output file, but it can also point to a file containing the required properties to create a set of data files.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the model cannot be saved by this encoder (!canExport(aModel, aDestinationName)).
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs during encoding.
    • export

      public void export(ILcdModel aModel, Result aDestination, ILcdXMLDocumentContext context) throws IOException
      Exports the given model to given destination. The document context is used during the XML encoding.
      aModel - the model to export
      aDestination - the destination to write the XML to
      context - the XML context
    • getModelReferenceFormatter

      public ILcdModelReferenceFormatter getModelReferenceFormatter()
      Returns the model reference formatter that is used to format ILcdModelReference instances when encoding an srsName.
      the model reference formatter of this encoder
    • setModelReferenceFormatter

      public void setModelReferenceFormatter(ILcdModelReferenceFormatter aModelReferenceFormatter)
      Sets the formatter that is used to format ILcdModelReference instances when encoding an srsName.
      aModelReferenceFormatter - the model reference formatter for this encoder
    • getEncoder

      public TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder getEncoder()
      Returns the encoder used by this object.
      the encoder used by this object