Interface ILcdXMLDocumentContext

public interface ILcdXMLDocumentContext
Interface for accessing the context of an XML document being decoded. This context allows to store and retrieve variables during the decoding of an XML document. Each value is stored using a key (to identify the variable), and a scope (to indicate which other unmarshallers or marshallers should be able to access the value).

An ILcdXMLDocumentContext is created per document by the XML context.

Users should not implement this interface.

  • Method Details

    • put

      void put(Object aKey, ILcdXMLDocumentContext.Scope aScope, Object aValue)
      Stores an object in the document context.
      aKey - the key, used to identify the object.
      aScope - the scope, in which the object should be visible.
      aValue - the object to be stored.
      NullPointerException - if aKey</code> or <code>aScope</code> is <code>null.
    • get

      Retrieves an object in the document context.
      aKey - the key, used to identify the object.
      aScope - the scope in which the object is stored.
      the object with the given key and scope, or null if no object was stored yet.
      NullPointerException - if aKey</code> or <code>aScope</code> is <code>null.